Now showing items 608-627 of 1622

    • Graduates Working Virtually: Its Effects on Newcomer Socialization 

      Thams, Simen; Eghdami, Damon (Master thesis, 2021)
      Covid-19 has accelerated the trends of digital socialization. The differences between traditional and digital socialization are enough to influence the socialization process for graduate newcomers. Researchers have yet ...
    • Great Leadership Disasters: Social Construction of Leadership in the Popular Press 

      Øyvik, Lise-Marie; Motalleb, Natassja Alexandra (Master thesis, 2018)
      This paper dives deeper into the phenomena of social construction of leadership, with the aim of identifying underlying mechanisms behind the topic of great leadership disasters and the large number of leaders who are ...
    • The Green Bond Premium - does it appear in the European bond market? 

      Berland, Amanda Raknes; Aass, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2020)
      In this paper, we use general bond information and historical time series data after the expansion of the green bond market in 2016. We estimate the yield differential of the green bonds and their conventional twins ...
    • Green construction project procurement 

      Gundersen, Henrik Haugland; Høydal, Martinus (Master thesis, 2022)
      The construction industry is one of the largest consumers of natural resources, energy, and waste. Procurement in the construction industry has, over several decades, focused on cost minimizing principles with an unwanted ...
    • Green Illusion or Green Confusion: Unveiling Consumer Perspectives of Sustainable Certified Homes 

      Unknown author (Master thesis, 2023)
      In the complex realm of sustainable housing, consumers are torn between perceiving sustainability as an alluring illusion or a perplexing mystery. Despite widespread environmental concern, individuals frequently choose not ...
    • The green last mile: How does providing a sustainable delivery method affect purchase intentions in B2C ecommerce? 

      Mathisen, Ida; Nordgarden, Liv Jorunn (Master thesis, 2020)
      The thesis highlights an understanding of the green last mile, and how providing a sustainable delivery method affect purchase intentions in B2C e-commerce. The study examined consumers purchase intentions in different ...
    • Green parties and their effect on policy 

      Aas, Henrik Fransplass (Master thesis, 2022)
      This paper examines the effect of green parties on environmental policy in Norway. Environmental policy is measured through the share of bike roads, number of charging stations for electric vehicles per capita, and ...
    • Greening the construction industry through short sea shipping and port integration 

      Moe, Marte Marie Danielsen; Norheim, Erlend Markus Hansen (Master thesis, 2019)
      HeidelbergCement has enhanced their sustainable strategy and developed the Sustainable Commitments 2030 as a response to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In order to reach their sustainability goals, HeidelbergCement ...
    • Greenwashing, but make it fashion 

      Sundbotten, Karoline (Master thesis, 2021)
      The following thesis investigates the fast fashion market and the impact greenwashing has on consumers’ perceptions of well-known fashion brands. The participants were faced with a purchase decision where green and ...
    • Grunnrentebeskatning av Havbruksnæringen 

      Syvertsen, Johan August; Shinwary, Amir (Master thesis, 2021)
      Den norske havbruksnæringen har i løpet av de siste tiårene utviklet seg fra å være en liten og lokal forankret næring, til å bli en betydelig kommersiell næring for norsk næringsliv. En av grunnene til dette er Norge ...
    • Guanxi, Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Social Responsibility 

      Wang, Qing; Wang, Le (Master thesis, 2022)
      Informal systems can have a significant impact on corporate behavior, and 'Guanxi' is part of the informal system that can have a significant impact on corporate social responsibility. Based on the data of A-share listed ...
    • Halo effect of organic food on physical effort 

      Le, Nhat Thi Hong; Jo, Yujin (Master thesis, 2017)
      Abstract Previous research has demonstrated that consumers frequently experience a health halo effect from “organic” claims when evaluating food products. This bias can be highly inaccurate, leading to unintended, ...
    • The halo vs. horn effect: How does a green product affect the perception of the same brand's non-green product portfolio? 

      Bjorvatn, Victoria Noel; Herfindal, Marie Haugland (Master thesis, 2020)
      With the increasing consumer demands of eco-friendly alternatives in the marketplace, companies have started to think green. Many well-established nongreen companies are now contemplating the launch of a green product ...
    • Has Sinning Stopped Winning? A Revised Look at Sin Stock Performance and Recent Trends 

      Fremming, Jonas; Pettersen, Mathias Vollan (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis investigates the performance of sin stocks between 2000 and 2021. With the historically strong performance of the sector, it is interesting to observe whether investors are turning down abnormal returns as ...
    • Has the Inclusion of Unlisted Real Estate Improved the Risk-Return Trade-off of the Government Pension Fund- Global? 

      Asphjell, Ola; Teigen, Nils Otto (Master thesis, 2018)
      This paper examines whether the inclusion of unlisted real estate has improved the risk-return trade-off of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund - Global. Firstly, we did a regression analysis with the fund returns as ...
    • Heart, Mind and Action: Investigating Resistance to Change 

      Amundsen, Tina-Irene Luggens; Boasson, Cecilie Staubo (Master thesis, 2016)
      Organizations are continually confronted with the need to implement changes in order to compete, prosper and survive. Therefore, understanding what makes a change implementation successful or not is crucial. This ...
    • Hedging crude oil during shocks 

      Juvonen, Jan Väinö Johannes; Schulstad, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2023)
      Crude oil is a valuable commodity that significantly impacts the global economy. Therefore, protecting against the risks associated with its price volatility is necessary. This thesis focuses on regime shift periods and ...
    • Hedging electricity price risk 

      Steinar, Halse; Øvernes, Håvard (Master thesis, 2023)
      In this thesis we analyze how effective it is to hedge electricity spot prices with futures. Using data from 2004 to the end of 2022 with the Nord Pool system price as spot and the monthly and quarterly futures from Nasdaq ...
    • Hedging House Price Risk in Norway 

      Henriksen, Adrian; Krolevetska, Yuliia (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this paper, we empirically examine the effectiveness of housing futures for homeowners in Oslo and try to answer the questions of whether housing futures should be introduced in Norway. If an individual buys a house ...