Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 568-587 of 1622
Foreign operations and modes diversity: A study of Norwegian oil field services
(Master thesis, 2017)This study takes a critical look at both how firms configure their foreign operations in the global market place; and the rational for and impediments behind the dynamics of mode configurations. The data analysis draws ... -
Foreign versus domestic buy-outs: evidence from returns of private equity
(Master thesis, 2019)This study investigates the differences between foreign- and domestic private equity investments and identifies that factors explain these differences. We used a unique dataset acquired from Bloomberg, analyzing 700 deals ... -
Forenkling eller forvirring? : En analyse av NOU 2016:5 og dens implikasjoner for den generelle rettstilstanden og fisjonssalg
(Master thesis, 2018)Denne masteroppgaven handler om det nye lovforslaget til en generell omgåelsesnorm. Omgåelsesnormen er i skrivende stund fortsatt ulovfestet i Norge. Det er flere utfordringer knyttet til lovfesting, og det er stor ... -
(Master thesis, 2016)Oppgaven omhandler hvorvidt reelt etablert i skatteloven § 2-38 (5) har noe å gjøre i beneficial owner i OECD Model Tax Convention Art. 10 (2). Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i formålet bak reglene gjennom henholdsvis ... -
Forholdet mellom NOKUS-beskatning og tax holidays i utviklingsland
(Master thesis, 2019)Avhandlingen tar for seg sammenhengen mellom reglene for skattelegging av eiere i norsk-kontrollerte utenlandske selskaper (NOKUS), og norske investeringer i utviklingsland som tilbyr skatteincentivet tax holiday. Formålet ... -
Formueskatt på fast eiendom
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)Reglene for formueskatt på fast eiendom ble endret i 2009. Motivet for endringene var å oppnå et mer rettferdig skattegrunnlag som bedre gjenspeiler reelle økonomiske verdier. Resultatet er at det for ligningsåret 2010 ble ... -
Forskjeller i kundeporteføljene til de store revisjonsselskapene i Norge
(Master thesis, 2018)De fem store revisjonsselskapene i Norge fremstår utad like. Vi har i denne masteroppgaven gjort en undersøkelse på om det foreligger risikoforskjeller i klientporteføljene til revisjonsselskapene. Risiko er et begrep ... -
Forsvarlighetskravet i asl. § 3-4 og handleplikten i asl. § 3-5 - Hvilke krav stilles til styret og hvilke krav stilles til revisor?
(Master thesis, 2022)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å belyse både styret og revisor sitt ansvar når det gjelder forsvarlighetsvurderingen i asl. § 3-4 og handleplikten i asl. § 3-5. Oppgaven tar for seg de formelle kravene som stilles ... -
Forventninger til grønn omstilling i eiendomsbransjen; “Sustainability is here to stay or we may not be” - Niall FitzGerald
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis aims to identify key risk factors for the real estate industry in Norway, by implementing a new classification system for sustainable investment, the Taxonomy Regulation. Since European legal climate acts are ... -
fostering high-quality relationships in inter-organizational projects: a case study of relational coordination in the Norwegian construction industry
(Master thesis, 2017)In response to the lack of research on coordination and collaboration within temporary inter-organizational projects, and the call to advance research on relational coordination, this thesis aims to explore how a ... -
Free Trade Agreement between China & Norway : An Empirical Study on the Effect of a Free Trade Agreement between Norway and China
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis investigates the potential effects of the proposed free trade agreement implemented between China and Norway on bilateral trade flows. A fixed-effect regression technique with a basis in the gravity ... -
Frequent types of undertaken piuots and their external triggering factors: A multi-case study of software startups in Vietnam
(Master thesis, 2023)Software startups are companies positioning software as their primary value proposition, whose distinctive characteristics include an innovation focus, lack of resources, high uncertainty and time pressure, and rapid ... -
Friends With Professional Benefits: A Quantitative Study of the Relationships Between Social Capital, Gender, and Career Success in the University-to-Work Transition
(Master thesis, 2022)In summary, this master thesis suggests that both men and women in the UTW transition benefit from investing in developing their social capital, but in different ways. Although there is a significant positive relationship ... -
From Challenge to Balance: The Transition from Traditional to Sustainable Economics
(Master thesis, 2021)The subject of this master thesis is the concept of a circular economy as a sustainable economic model, and how it fits traditional economics developed in the 19th century. The subject is discussed with a nuanced and ... -
From David to Goliath : investigating the lack of global success for Norwegian IT start-ups
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)Norway scores very high on various parameters that contribute to the competitiveness in the Information Technology industry. However it has not produced many large global information technology firms, in particular, ... -
From Labels to Actions: Unraveling the Nexus of Eco-Labels in Driving Environmentally Purchasing Behavior
(Master thesis, 2023)This master’s thesis examines the relationship between eco-labels and consumer purchasing behavior, concentrating on the impact of perceived trust, quality, and price in eco-labeled products. Furthermore, we were intrigued ... -
Fundamental Indexation - A European Investigation
(Master thesis, 2018)Traditional capitalized-weighted index portfolios aim to capture the market performance, and can be considered as a viable investment option for passive investors. However, research suggest that cap-weighted indices are ... -
Funny myth busting: Are humorous messages effective at correcting misinformation regarding food safety?
(Master thesis, 2019)Food safety misinformation is highly prevalent among the population and could potentially be increased by individuals efforts reduce waste, and stakeholders promoting efforts such as The present body of literature has ... -
Fusjoner: en sammenligning mellom god regnskapsskikk og IFRS. Spesielt om goodwill og kontraktsoverdragelse
(Master thesis, 2018)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg hvordan en fusjon mellom selskaper bør behandles med hovedvekt på spørsmål knyttet til regnskap og selskapsrett. Vi diskuterer forskjeller som knytter seg til forskjellige fusjonsmodeller ... -
A Future to Look Forward to: Fostering Agency in Sustainability Work
(Master thesis, 2021)One of the most significant changes of our time is climate change. Consequently, sustainability has become recognized as an important theme to include in every organization’s business model as it provides several ...