Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 1706-1725 of 1822
Unlocking Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Car Brand Category in Car Subscription Models
(Master thesis, 2024)Our master thesis examines the relationship between perceived convenience and customer satisfaction in the context of car subscription, exploring the potential mediating role of perceived risk and flexibility, and the ... -
Unlocking Shark Tank: Predicting pitch outcomes using a multimodal approach
(Master thesis, 2024)Acquiring funding for a startup venture is a critical yet challenging endeavor. Funding success often hinges on effectively pitching a business idea to potential investors. Understanding the multimodal cues influencing ... -
Unntak fra merverdiavgift på finansielle tjenester med særlig vekt på corporate finance-tjenester : Carnegie/ABG-dommens betydning
(Master thesis, 2013-02-08)Oppgavens metodedel gir et kortfattet bilde av rettskildetilstanden som grunnlag for problemstillingens sentrale rettsregler og utviklingen ... -
Unraveling the Impact of Firm Characteristics on Long-Run Abnormal Returns: A Study of U.S. Event Firms
(Master Thesis, 2023)This paper examines the effect of seven firm characteristics on abnormal returns following corporate events, including mergers and acquisitions, and initial and seasoned public equity offerings. Using data from U.S. firms ... -
Unraveling the Influence of CSR on M&A Decisions - The Effect of CSR on Target Choice and M&A Premiums
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Merger and Acquisition (M&A) decisions. Specifically, the study assesses how CSR affects the selection of target companies and deal premiums. ... -
Unraveling the Influence of Job Autonomy on Affective Commitment and Turnover Intentions: Exploring the Role of Person-Job Fit in Healthcare Professionals
(Master thesis, 2024)Autonomy is a pivotal topic in organizational psychology, with profound implications for organizations and employees. Drawing on existing research from a person-job fit perspective, this study explores the daily fluctuations ... -
Unraveling the Leverage Exchange-Traded Funds Conundrum
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines Leveraged Exchange-Traded Funds to assess their ability to deliver the promised leverage, factor anomalies, behavior in different market conditions, long-term performance drivers, and pricing efficiency. ... -
Unraveling the Link between Environmental Metrics and Stock Returns: An In-Depth Analysis of Climate Risk Premiums and Climate News Hedge Portfolios
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines a broad range of E(SG) scores and real environmental metrics’ cross-sectional and time-series effect on excess stock return, in the European market from December 2010 to December 2022. The objective ... -
Unveiling the Dynamics of Stock Illiquidity: Exploring Key Stock Characteristics and their Significance
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper explores the use of machine learning models to predict what characteristics affect illiquidity in stocks using historical data. The paper uses thirteen different regressions, exploring the effects of 43 ... -
Urban flooding in Oslo – Insurance claims and heavy rainfall
(Master thesis, 2022)Urban flooding events and damages to private and public buildings and infrastructure is expected to increase due to higher frequency of heavy rainfall. Even if all countries were to fulfill their declared reductions in ... -
US Sustainable Mutual Funds: A COVID-19 Perspective
(Master thesis, 2024)We analyze the performance and flows of sustainable US active equity mutual funds from September 2018 to December 2023, focusing on the COVID-19 market crash. Utilizing panel data, we find that 5-globe funds outperform ... -
Using artificial intelligence in economic policy forecasting
(Master thesis, 2021)We hypothesize that machine learning algorithms are better equipped at forecasting policy rates. To test this hypothesis, we gathered several machine learning algorithms and compared their forecasts of the Norwegian ... -
Using Bayesian Linear Models and Deep Neural Networks for Decomposing the Performance Effect of Promotion
(Master thesis, 2022)Price promotions can drive up short-term sales substantially. To establish whether and how a business can truly benefit from a price promotion bump, previous research has proposed multivariate linear regression models ... -
Using enterprise social media for knowledge sharing in bureaucratic settings : a case study on how power and political activities influence sensemaking processes
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)In response to the call for more research on intra-organizational usage of enterprise social media, and the insufficient addressing of how power effect knowledge sharing in organizational life, this thesis adopts a ... -
Using process simulation to support decision makers at the AMK O&A call center in analyzing and improving organizational performance and thus reducing prehospital response time
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)The work with this master thesis has been highly interesting and highly challenging. The fact that we have six kids altogether, including newborn triplets, has tested our personal capacities to a great extent. The thesis ... -
Using the interest rate term spread as a means to predict stock market returns
(Master thesis, 2017)We research an investment strategy; the Asset Allocation Model, incorporating the difference between long-term and short-term interest rate – the interest rate term spread – as a leading indicator for asset class allocation. ... -
Using Traffic Lights to Manage Projects: Stop or Go?
(Master thesis, 2019)Organisations are heavily relying on project-based structures in order to stay competitive in a fast-changing environment. Nevertheless, project-based structures have some potential challenges and threats that can lead ... -
Utarbeidelse av rammeverk for vurdering av granskingsrapporter : En vurdering av Deloittes granskingsrapport av Telenor
(Master thesis, 2017)Målet med denne oppgaven har vært å utarbeide et rammeverk for vurdering av granskingsrapporter ved hjelp av kriterier fra tidligere litteratur og intervjuer.. Vi har brukt en kvalitativ metode for å kunne svare på vår ... -
Utfordringer og muligheter knyttet til regulering av delingsøkonomien i Norge
(Map, 2018)Vi begynte med å ta en gjennomgang av Finansdepartementets Forslag om opplysningsplikt for formidlingsselskaper mv. og kommentere dette. Det vi så etter en grundig gjennomgang, var at staten nå ser på delingsøkonomi som ... -
Utvikling av praksis for KAM-rapporteringen over de to første årene etter standardendring.
(Master thesis, 2018)En lang debatt knyttet til svakheter ved den gamle revisjonsberetningen førte til en omarbeidelse av ISA 700 og innføring av en ny revisjonsstandard, ISA 701. Denne omarbeidelsen hadde som formål å øke informasjonsverdien ...