Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 1255-1274 of 1822
The Price of Virtuous Mergers and Acquisitions
(Master thesis, 2023)By using ESG scores from three different data providers (Bloomberg, Refinitiv and Sustainalytics) this thesis aims to investigate their respective impacts on deal premia in M&A activities. The sample construction is based ... -
Pricing American Put Options and Determining Optimal Exercise Strategy
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines three numerical methods for pricing American put options: the Least-Squares Monte Carlo method (LSM), the Binomial method (BM), and the Implicit Finite Difference method (FDM). Our study focuses on ... -
Pricing American-Style Options by Monte Carlo Simulation
(Master thesis, 2018)We replicate (in some parts) and extend Tompaidis and Yang’s (2014) analysis by comparing the performance of Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS) Regression to Tikhonov Regularization and Classification & Regression Trees (CART), ... -
Pricing of carbon emission allowances An assessment of the pricing relationships and the adequacy of EU ETS as a climate policy tool
(Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of this study is to shed light on the pricing mechanisms within the EU Emissions Trading System and evaluate the link between the prices of emission allowances and the prices of fundamental drivers of greenhouse ... -
The Primary Issuance of Norwegian High-Yield Corporate Bonds During Financial Turmoil Spotlight on the COVID-19 Crisis
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, we study different factors that might have caused the massive increase in the primary issuance of Norwegian high-yield corporate bonds during the most recent financial turmoil, the COVID-19 crisis during ... -
Priming the weak negotiator to feel powerful in an integrative asymmetric batna negotiation
(Master thesis, 2017)Power asymmetries are present in most negotiations, and power influences economic outcomes in negotiations. The most common way to manipulate power asymmetries in negotiation experiments is through BATNA, Best Alternative ... -
Prising og overføring av immaterielle eiendeler ; En studie av effektene OECDs nye retningslinjer vil få på interne overføringer og prising av immaterielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2016)Temaet for oppgaven vår er skatteplanlegging og vi ser nærmere på hvordan flernasjonale selskaper flytter overskudd mellom datterselskaper ved hjelp av prising og overføring av immaterielle eiendeler. Innledningsvis ... -
Private Equity Home Bias in the Nordics
(Master thesis, 2022)Our study analyzes the home bias in private equity deals conducted in the Nordics. We find that Nordic private equity companies outperform their non-Nordic peers when investing in the Nordics by delivering a 17% higher IRR ... -
Private Equity's Risk-Adjusted Performance and Benefits For Institutional Investors
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines whether private equity (PE) delivers higher risk-adjusted returns and/or portfolio benefits for institutional investors compared to the public investable market from 2005 to 2018. Our analysis indicates ... -
Private Family Firms and Distribution of Control: Evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)Using a sample of 1 701 newly started Norwegian private family firms, where the CEO also is from the founding family, (family firms), in the period from 2000 through 2015, this thesis investigates the survivability, ... -
Private Label Embarrassment: The Effects of Checkout Type and Brand Type on Purchase Intention, and the Mediating Role of Embarrassment
(Master thesis, 2023)This master’s thesis dives into the unexplored topic of private label embarrassment. Specifically, we were interested in whether private labels are more embarrassing compared to national brands and whether self-service ... -
Procedural and interactional justice in talent management processes, affective organizational commitment and work-related stress: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation
(Master thesis, 2023)This conceptual paper provides insight into the dynamics of organizational justice, affective organizational commitment, and work-related stress, with intrinsic motivation serving as a mediator. Using the theory of ... -
Professional vs. Personal-Oriented Self-Disclosure on LinkedIn: The Impact of Gender and Occupation on Recruiters’ Recommendation for Interview
(Master thesis, 2018)Social networking sites (SNSs) have become established arenas for many forms of social interaction. Recruitment and selection of job candidates using SNSs is a current trend that we are yet to understand the potential ... -
The Prosocial Impacts of Win-Win initiative in Organisations
(Master thesis, 2022)Prosocial behaviour is important because we get a better understanding of why people behave the way they do, especially when doing acts that favour others. If we want others to act kindly to us, we should also show the ... -
Prosperous Micromanagement : A qualitative study of leadership behaviour in light performing retail stores
(Master thesis, 2016)In response to the negativity surrounding micromanagement, we aim to research and show that micromanagement is not a one-sided evil, as it is viewed in today’s literature. We will explore and compare three different ... -
Prosperous Micromanagement ; A qualitative study of leadership behaviour in high performing retail stores
(Master thesis, 2016)In response to the negativity surrounding micromanagement, we aim to research and show that micromanagement is not a one-sided evil, as it is viewed in today’s literature. We will explore and compare three different ... -
PSD2: A Strategic Perspective on Third-Party Payment Service Providers
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this Thesis: “PSD2: A Strategic Perspective on Third-Party Payment Service Providers” is to explore how the new EU regulation “the revised Payment Service Directive” (PSD2) will change the European payments ... -
Puppet on a String – A Qualitative Study of Middle Managers’ Motivation and Role Perception
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis explores and investigates middle managers’ motivation and experiences in their role in the middle level through the lens of the self- determination theory. To better understand the role holders in the sandwiched ... -
Purchase intention of access-based consumption services : An empirical study on motivational drivers, and brand equity’s moderating role
(Master thesis, 2017)With the rise of the sharing economy, a number of terms have spurred to describe the services offered from firms such as Airbnb, HomeExchange and Couchsurfing. Access-based consumption describes these services, ...