Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - BI by Title
Now showing items 738-757 of 1081
Price dispersion and the stability of trade*
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Research on trade relationships has documented a high rate of relationship breakup and churning. We use data on Norwegian exports to document two stylized facts about the stability of trade relationships. First, the ... -
Price dispersion and the stability of trade*
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research on trade relationships has documented a high rate of relationship breakup and churning.We use data on Norwegian exports to document two stylized facts about the stability of traderelationships. First, the probability ... -
The price of cost-effectiveness thresholds under therapeutic competition in pharmaceutical markets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Health systems around world are increasingly adopting cost-effectiveness (CE) analysis to inform decisions about access and reimbursement. We study how CE thresholds imposed by a health plan for granting reimbursement ... -
Price space and product demography: Evidence from the workstation industry, 1980–1996
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study adds to the product innovation literature by emphasizing the important yet understudied role of price distribution in shaping product demography (i.e. new product introductions and exits). While prior research ... -
Pricing efficiency across destination markets for Norwegian salmon exports
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates how pricing efficiency of Norwegian salmon exports varies across destination market characteristics. Efficiency is defined as the rate at which individual transaction prices adjust to common market ... -
Prior and governed stakeholder relationships: The key to resilience of inter-organizational projects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Increasingly, scholars are recognising the importance of resilience in projects. However, there is a lack of research on the resilience of temporary inter-organisational projects while considering the intricate relationship ... -
Privacy Cynicism: Resignation in the Face of Agency Constraints
(Chapter, 2023)In this chapter, we discuss the concept of privacy cynicism as a cognitive coping mechanism to the complex privacy landscape users are confronted with within digital societies. We situate the development of the concept ... -
Privacy Resignation, Apathy, and Cynicism: Introduction to a Special Theme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The growing trend of collecting data about individuals to track past actions and infer future attitudes and behaviors has fueled popular and scholarly interest in the erosion of privacy. Recent shifts in technologies around ... -
Private police legitimacy: The case of internal investigations by fraud examiners
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Fraud examiners in white-collar crime investigations represent private policing of financial crime. Examiners in crime investigations reconstruct the past to create an account of who did what to make it happen or let it ... -
Probabilistic Judgement Aggregation by Opinion Update
(Chapter, 2022)We consider a situation where agents are updating their probabilistic opinions on a set of issues with respect to the confidence they have in each other’s judgements. We adapt the framework for reaching a consensus introduced ... -
Problemløsing med kunstig intelligens: Bruk av Spacemaker i tidligfase eiendomsutvikling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Intelligent teknologi brukes i stadig større grad til å støtte problemløsing i organisasjoner. I denne studien utforsker vi hva som skjer med komplekse problemløsingsprosesser når kunstig intelligens introduseres og hvordan ... -
Product forms and price transmission in major European salmon markets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Product development is often an important component in increasing demand for successful aquaculture species. However, this topic has not received much attention due to limited data availability. In this paper, we investigate ... -
Project Control Mechanisms in Non-Project-Based Organizations in Asia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Projects play a key role in implementing strategy. Organizations of all kinds implement projects. As the importance of the projects grow, their monitoring and controlling becomes crucial for strategy achievement. However, ... -
Project Lineage Management and Project Portfolio Success
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Project portfolio approaches consider various concurrent project interdependencies but typically neglect longitudinal interdependencies. These are important for exploratory projects, which create strategic options. If these ... -
Project managers adjust their leadership: to workspace and project type
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the triadic relationship between project workspace (i.e. spatial context), project type and project manager’s leadership style. It develops the concept of leadership construct ... -
Project Portfolio Management Information Systems’ Positive Influence on Performance – The Importance of Process Maturity.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Companies increasingly support their project portfolio management processes with specific software, and the market for IT solutions is growing. While project portfolio management information systems (PPMIS) promise to ... -
Project studies: What it is, where it is going, International Journal of Project Management.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Project organising is a growing field of scholarly inquiry and management practice. In recent years, two important developments have influenced this field: (1) the study and practice of projects have extended their level ... -
Projects and institutions: towards understanding their mutual constitution and dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Institutions are long-term and stabilizing mechanisms of social interaction that provide much of the groundwork for projects as temporary systems. Due to amassed change ambitions in contemporary projects, not least reflected ... -
Promoting Data Richness in Consumer Research: How to Develop and Evaluate Articles with Multiple Data Sources
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As stated in the mission of the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) (2022) and a recent editorial (Schmitt et al. 2022), JCR is a multi-disciplinary journal where consumer research provides insights about consumers and ... -
The proposed extension of the EU-ETS to shipping – BIMCO´s ETS – allowances (ETSA) clause for time charter parties 2022 filling a legal gap
(Chapter, 2023)This Chapter outlines the proposed inclusion of shipping to the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) as of November 2022, as well as BIMCO’s ETS — emission trading scheme allowance clause for Time Charter ...