Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - BI by Title
Now showing items 357-376 of 1089
Experimental Methods in Economics and Psychology: A Comparison
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article compares the use of experiments as a research method in economics and psychology. We outline the most important differences between the two fields in terms of their use of experimental methods. The purpose of ... -
Expert elicitation to estimate the size of an iceberg based on the tip: Some methodological challenges in determining the magnitude of white-collar crime
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Expert elicitation is a research method designed to make estimations in areas where we have no knowledge, only indicators and experiences. By systematic interviews of experts, we tried to estimate the magnitude of white-collar ... -
Explaining Voter Turnout: A Meta-Analysis of National and Subnational Elections
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Research about voter turnout has expanded rapidly in recent years. This article takes stock of this development by extending the meta-analysis of Geys (2006) in two main ways. First, we add 102 studies published between ... -
Explanations for the Sources of Wealth: It Is Not a Just World
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Five hundred participants indicated the extent to which they thought very wealthy people had become rich from four routes: three by personal effort (executive, investor, entrepreneur) and one by inheritance. These ratings ... -
An Explorative Study on Heuristic Effects of Healthy Food Labels in an Online Shopping Situation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study focuses on the representativeness heuristic effects of healthy food labels on consumer choice of healthy food. A within-subject experiment was arranged to identify whether consumers rely on representativeness ... -
An Exploratory Literature Study on Sharing and Energy Use of Language Models for Source Code
(Chapter, 2023)Large language models trained on source code can support a variety of software development tasks, such as code recommendation and program repair. Large amounts of data for training such models benefit the models’ performance. ... -
Exploring PMOs Through Community of Practice Theory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This article explores project management offices (PMOs) through community of practice theory. Preliminary results from a national health care case study are used to confirm the legitimacy of this approach. Today’s ... -
Exploring societal cultural values and human rights and development
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This study is an exploration of the relationships between societal cultural values and various observable societal practices. We drew on extant data sources and explored relationships between societal values and human ... -
Exploring the association between occupational complexity and numeracy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The basic cognitive skill of numeracy is a recognized form of human capital, associated with economic and social well being for individuals and for nations. In this study, we explore how occupational complexity relates to ... -
Exploring the Pursuit of Sustainability in Reverse Supply Chains for Electronics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Abstract: This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study ... -
Exploring the triggering process of a cancer care reform in three Scandinavian countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Cancer incidence is increasing, and cancer is a leading cause of death in the Scandinavian countries, and at the same time more efficient but very expensive new treatment options are available. Based on the increasing ... -
Exposure and connectedness to natural environments: An examination of the measurement invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Detachment from nature is contributing to the environmental crisis and reversing this trend requires detailed monitoring and targeted interventions to reconnect people to nature. Most tools measuring nature exposure and ... -
Expressing Dual Concern in Criticism for Wrongdoing: The Persuasive Power of Criticizing with Care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)To call attention to and motivate action on ethical issues in business or society, messengers often criticize groups for wrongdoing and ask these groups to change their behavior. When criticizing target groups, messengers ... -
Extending the range of bugs that automated program repair can handle
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Modern automated program repair (APR) is well-tuned to finding and repairing bugs that introduce observable erroneous behavior to a program. However, a significant class of bugs does not lead to observable behavior (e.g., ... -
Extending the range of bugs that automated program repair can handle
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Modern automated program repair (APR) is well-tuned to finding and repairing bugs that introduce observable erroneous behavior to a program. However, a significant class of bugs does not lead to observable behavior (e.g., ... -
Extrinsic Auditory Contributions to Food Perception & Consumer Behaviour: An Interdisciplinary Review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Food product-extrinsic sounds (i.e., those auditory stimuli that are not linked directly to a food or beverage product, or its packaging) have been shown to exert a significant influence over various aspects of food ... -
Facilitating integration and maintaining autonomy: The role of managerial action and interaction in post-acquisition capability transfer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Through acquisitions, firms can access resources and capabilities they cannot develop on their own. Post-acquisition, a key managerial challenge is balancing the need for integration, to transfer capabilities, with the ... -
Factor analyzing ordinal items requires substantive knowledge of response marginals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In the social sciences, measurement scales often consist of ordinal items and are commonly analyzed using factor analysis. Either data are treated as continuous, or a discretization framework is imposed in order to take ... -
Factors affecting adult trait Neuroticism in a nationally representative sample
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study explores factors in childhood and adulthood that affect adult trait Neuroticism in a large, nationally representative sample. 5785 participants provided information on family social background measured at birth; ... -
Factors influencing adult savings and investment: Findings from a nationally representative sample
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study explored a longitudinal data set of over 5766 adults examining factors that influence adult savings and investment. Data were collected at birth, in childhood (at age 11) and adulthood (at ages 33 and 50 yrs) ...