Browsing BI Open by Author "Midttun, Atle"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
A History of Possible Futures: Multipath Forecasting of Social breakdown, Recovery and Resilience
Turchin, Peter; Witoszek, Nina; Thurner, Stefan; Garcia, David; Griffin, Roger; Hoyer, Daniel; Midttun, Atle; Bennett, James; Næss, Knut Myrum; Gavrilets, Sergey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Recent years have seen major political crises throughout the world, and foreign policy analysts nearly universally expect to see rising tensions within (and between) countries in the next 5–20 years. Being able to predict ... -
After the grace period: Economic and political challenges when electricity markets face the investment phase
Finon, Dominique; Johnsen, Tor Arnt; Midttun, Atle (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2005)Against the background of the 2002-2003 price spikes in the Nordic electricity market and the debates that this triggered, this paper discusses the problem of investments in new energy generation. While the Nordic case is ... -
Biofuel policy and industrial transition? A Nordic perspective
Midttun, Atle; Næss, Knut Myrum; Piccini, Proadpran Boonprasurd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The article explores the interplay between policy, technological innovation and market dynamics. It highlights the challenges of combining biofuel policies for ‘greening’ transport with reviving the Nordic forestry industry. ... -
Carbon capture – from waste to energy: a stylized case from a pioneering initiative at Klemetsrud, Oslo. Report to the CLIMIT – demo project 618215: Potential for financing and pricing Carbon Capture in Waste-to Energy Installations in cities
Midttun, Atle; Enger, Elling; Lind, Arne; Lia, Magne; Meyer, Julien; Storaas, Margrethe Voll; Lereim, Jon; Nygaard, Pål (Research report, 2019)Oslo has recently been given the European Environmental Capital award for 2019, following its adoption of an ambitious green strategy of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2022, and by 95% by 2030. A core premise for Oslo ... -
Carbon capture – from waste to energy: a stylized case from a pioneering initiative at Klemetsrud, Oslo. Report to the CLIMIT – demo project 618215: Potential for financing and pricing Carbon Capture in Waste-to Energy Installations in cities
Midttun, Atle; Enger, Elling; Lind, Arne; Lia, Magne; Meyer, Julien; Storaas, Margrethe Voll; Lereim, Jon; Nygaard, Pål (Research report, 2019)Oslo has recently been given the European Environmental Capital award for 2019, following its adoption of an ambitious green strategy of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2022, and by 95% by 2030. A core premise for Oslo ... -
CSR, innovasjon og verdiskaping
Midttun, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)CSR og innovasjon er nå veletablerte «buzzwords» og inngår som mantra i en formel for å bringe vekst og verdiskaping. Mot denne posisjonen står et tidligere mantra, med profitten i sentrum. I en empirisk studie har en ... -
Developing green markets: design challenges and pioneering experience in three European settings – The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Sweden
Midttun, Atle; Jakobsen, Arne; Kramer, Nikolaus; Lagendijk, Karen; Voogt, Monique (Research Report, Research report, 2005)This report explores some of the drivers behind this development and describes and analyses experiences in the Dutch, UK and Swedish green electricity markets. The report points out that the recursion to market based ... -
Facing the climate and digital challenge: European energy industry from boom to crisis and transformation
Midttun, Atle; Piccini, Proadpran Boonprasurd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article contributes to the understanding of the current transformation of the energy industry in Europe and the interplay between greening policies and digital technological innovation. It shows how, since the financial ... -
Green electricity trade in the Nordic region: markets, products and transactions
Midttun, Atle; Gundersen, Mari Hegg (Research Report, Research report, 2003)This report examines the potential for- and institutional framing of green electricity trade in the Nordic region in general and for trade in standardised green products on a commodity exchange in particular. The discussion ... -
Greening of European electricity industry: The challenge of policy integration across cognitive and administrative specialisation
Gundersen, Mari Hegg; Koefoed, Anne Louise; Midttun, Atle (Research Report, Research report, 2004)Focusing on greening of electricity industry (GEI), this report explores the positions and outlook of various units within the EU system with mandates in the greening of electricity industry process. The study takes a ... -
Greening of Nordic electricity industry: policy convergence and diversity
Midttun, Atle; Gundersen, Mari Hegg; Koefoed, Anne Louise (Research Report, Research report, 2003)With a comparative focus on policy similarity and diversity, this report comes out of the project named “The Energy- related Environmental Policy Game” financed by Norwegian Research Council , Industry and Energy and the ... -
Innovasjon som balansegang
Midttun, Atle; Ørjasæter, Nils-Otto (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Integrating corporate social responsibility and other strategic foci in a distributed production system: a transaction cost perspective on the North Sea offshore petroleum industry
Midttun, Atle; Dirdal, Tore; Gautesen, Kristian; Omland, Terje; Wenstøp, Søren (Research Report, Research report, 2005)The paper explores the challenges of integrating CSR with other strategic foci into the supply/contractor chain, both conceptually and empirically, with a focus on one sectorial case: the Norwegian upstream petroleum ... -
Multiplikatoreffekter ved innovasjon i leverandørnettverk: norsk offshorepetroleumssektor som innovasjonsarena
Midttun, Atle; Ørjasæter, Nils-Otto (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Norsk petroleumssektor har vært en storstilt arena for innovasjon. Næringen har gått løs på en kontinuerlig strøm av utfordringer; fra utvikling av felt i grunne farvann med lett tilgjengelig olje og gass, til kompliserte ... -
Offentlig-private partnerskap som supplement til det offentlige velferdstilbudet
Midttun, Atle; Dirdal, Tore; Gautesen, Kristian (Research Report, Research report, 2005)Bærum kommune /Frivillighetssentralen har gjennom en fireårsperiode gjort forsøk med å engasjere private bedrifter i partnerskap med kommunen. De to første årene var prosjektet underlagt Frivillighetssentralen i Bærum ... -
The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration – Throwing New Light on The Nordic Model
Midttun, Atle; Witoszek, Nina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In one of the most influential contributions to modern political economy, Hall and Soskice have launched a distinction between ‘liberal’ and ‘coordinated’ market economies, placing the Nordic countries firmly in the latter ... -
The Future Role of Forest-Based Biofuels: Industrial Impacts in the Nordic Countries
Jåstad, Eirik Ogner; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Rørstad, Per Kr.; Midttun, Atle; Sandquist, Judit; Trømborg, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study applies a partial equilibrium forest sector model to analyse the impacts of biofuel deployment for road transport in the Nordic countries, when alternative use of the biomass resources and transport sector ... -
The greening of European electricity industry: a battle of modernities
Midttun, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Europe has played the role of a green hegemon on the global arena for several decades. By exploring its green transition in the electricity industry, the article discusses whether Europe is on track with regard to delivering ... -
What motivates managers to pursue corporate social responsibility (CSR)? A survey among key stakeholders
Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline D.; Midttun, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Following several decades of scholarship with several disciplinary points of departure, there is today a great heterogeneity of theories and approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Taking a pragmatist position ...