Browsing BI Open by Author "Kjeldsen, Magnus Johan"
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The resource rent tax implication on SalMar ASA's fundamental value
Kjeldsen, Magnus Johan; Kristiansen, Alexander Nicholai (Master thesis, 2023)Our master's thesis aims to assess the influence of the proposed resource rent tax on the fundamental value of SalMar ASA, worlds´s second-largest salmon farming company. We will conduct a comprehensive valuation analysis, ... -
Verdsettelse av Lerøy Seafood Group ASA
Lemke, Niklas Robert Fjær; Kjeldsen, Magnus Johan; Kristiansen, Alexander Nicholai (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne bacheloroppgaven innebærer en verdivurdering av det børsnoterte selskapet Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, heretter kalt LSG. Innledningsvis vil vi legge frem oppgavens formål, problemstilling, gruppens motivasjon, ...