Browsing BI Open by Author "Brott, Kristine Johanne"
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Ringseth, Sebastian; Brott, Kristine Johanne; Orekåsa, Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2014-09-09)I valget av tema og problemstilling for oppgaven ligger en målsetning om å hjelpe en bedrift ved å kartlegge muligheter og utfordringer knyttet opp mot verdiskapning ved et lederskifte. Gjennom å benytte relevant teori ... -
Story of my life: How life events and relations have led to my leadership emergence ; A qualitative study of formative and relational life stories that are significant for leadership emergence
Hansen, Sara Øien; Brott, Kristine Johanne (Master thesis, 2016)The aim of the thesis is to study leadership as an emergent phenomenon with an emphasis on relational and formative experiences. To understand leadership emergence, the thesis use a practice-lens based on acknowledgeable ...