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Using Bayesian Linear Models and Deep Neural Networks for Decomposing the Performance Effect of Promotion
(Master thesis, 2022)Price promotions can drive up short-term sales substantially. To establish whether and how a business can truly benefit from a price promotion bump, previous research has proposed multivariate linear regression models ... -
Using Brokerage Commissions to Secure IPO Allocations
(CCGR Working Paper;4/2010, Working paper, 2010)Using data, at the investor level, on the allocations of shares in initial public offerings (IPOs), we document a strong positive relationship between the amount of stock-trading commission and the number of shares an ... -
Using different advertising humor appeals to generate firm-level warmth and competence impressions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)An online experiment and a large-scale correlational study show that the effects of a humor appeal in product advertising go beyond consumers’ general attitudes toward the ad and the advertised product. A humor appeal ... -
Using different advertising humor appeals to generate firm-level warmth and competence impressions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)An online experiment and a large-scale correlational study show that the effects of a humor appeal in product advertising go beyond consumers’ general attitudes toward the ad and the advertised product. A humor appeal ... -
Using enterprise social media for knowledge sharing in bureaucratic settings : a case study on how power and political activities influence sensemaking processes
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)In response to the call for more research on intra-organizational usage of enterprise social media, and the insufficient addressing of how power effect knowledge sharing in organizational life, this thesis adopts a ... -
Using Entropic Tilting to Combine BVAR Forecasts with External Nowcasts
(CAMP Working Paper Series;8/2015, Working paper, 2015)This paper shows entropic tilting to be a flexible and powerful tool for combining mediumterm forecasts from BVARs with short-term forecasts from other sources (nowcasts from either surveys or other models). Tilting ... -
Using house prices to compute the price of housing in the CPI
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Rental-equivalence is often used in computing price changes of owner-occupied housing in the CPI. We employ an alternative approach, employing interest-adjusted house prices. For Norway 2000-2008 our method yielded a 30% ... -
Using Humor to Promote Social Distancing on Tiktok During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To combat the spread of the coronavirus, many village leaders in China and mayors in Italy used multiple media channels to communicate the importance of social distancing and remind citizens to stay at home. TikTok has ... -
Using Ibsen in Business Ethics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen’s death, during 2006 quite a number of cultural events were launched (cf. The paper suggests to celebrate Ibsen as a potentially ... -
Using necessary condition analysis in managerial psychology research: introduction, empirical demonstration and methodological discussion
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose In this paper, the authors aim to present a novel methodological tool – necessary condition analysis (NCA) to aid managerial psychology researchers in properly testing necessity statements. Design/methodology/approach ... -
Using persuasive marketing methods and mobile phones as active learning devices to enhance students’ learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)One of the latest additions to the educator’s toolbox are learning parcels sent to the students’ mobile phones. We used a four factor sales and marketing model from previous research to produce and evaluate the contents ... -
Using process simulation to support decision makers at the AMK O&A call center in analyzing and improving organizational performance and thus reducing prehospital response time
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)The work with this master thesis has been highly interesting and highly challenging. The fact that we have six kids altogether, including newborn triplets, has tested our personal capacities to a great extent. The thesis ... -
Using the interest rate term spread as a means to predict stock market returns
(Master thesis, 2017)We research an investment strategy; the Asset Allocation Model, incorporating the difference between long-term and short-term interest rate – the interest rate term spread – as a leading indicator for asset class allocation. ... -
Using the Job Demands–Resources Model to Evaluate Work-Related Outcomes Among Norwegian Health Care Workers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The job demands-resources (JD-R) model was used to evaluate work-related outcomes among 489 health care professionals working in public health services for children and their families in Norway. In accordance with the JD-R ... -
Using Traffic Lights to Manage Projects: Stop or Go?
(Master thesis, 2019)Organisations are heavily relying on project-based structures in order to stay competitive in a fast-changing environment. Nevertheless, project-based structures have some potential challenges and threats that can lead ... -
Ustrukturerte jobbintervjuer og førsteinntrykkets rolle
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Temaet for denne oppgaven er rekruttering. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på sammenhengen mellom strukturen på jobbintervjuer og effekten av førsteinntrykket. Forskning på området sier at strukturerte intervjuer er best ... -
Utarbeidelse av rammeverk for vurdering av granskingsrapporter : En vurdering av Deloittes granskingsrapport av Telenor
(Master thesis, 2017)Målet med denne oppgaven har vært å utarbeide et rammeverk for vurdering av granskingsrapporter ved hjelp av kriterier fra tidligere litteratur og intervjuer.. Vi har brukt en kvalitativ metode for å kunne svare på vår ... -
Utbygging Møre AS : Jøritunet borettslag
(Bachelor thesis, 2013-12-18)Vi har i denne oppgaven sett nærmere på Utbygging Møre AS, et prosjekteringsfirma som utfører bolig- og hytteprosjekter i området rundt Kristiansund. Prosjektet vi tar for oss i denne oppgaven, Jøritunet borettslag var et ... -
Utdanning av norske næringslivstopper: Kontinuitet eller brudd?
(Journal article, 2010)Internasjonal forskning har vist påfallende sterke nasjonale mønstre når det gjelder forholdet mellom utdanningsbakgrunn og lederposisjoner. I en tid med sterk globalisering kan man spørre seg om disse trekkene er i ferd ... -
Utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og norsk tilknytning til EU
(Chapter, 2020)I kapittelet drøfter vi utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og Norges forhold til EU. Mens eierskap i fangst hovedsakelig er nasjonalt, er oppdrettsnæringen preget av multinasjonale selskaper. Norge og mange EU-land ...