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Brukes pensjoner som resultatstyringsverktøy av børsnoterte foretak i Norge?
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Oppgaven tar for seg analyser av om årsregnskapene til børsnoterte foretak i Norge viser indikasjoner på resultatstyring i forbindelse med regnskapsføring av pensjoner. Analysen omfatter statistisk testing av om det er ... -
Bry Deg - si nei til narkotika
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Bacheloroppgaven fra studielinjen Kommunikasjonsledelse tar for seg en gjennomtenkt kampanje for prosjektet Bry Deg – si nei til narkotika v/ Handelshøyskolen BI, Bergen. Vår samarbeidspartner er NNPF, og herunder deres ... -
Brøøl, distruptiv ølproduksjon
(Master thesis, 2022)Gammelt brød blir i stor grad brukt til dyrefôr. Masken, eller kornrestene som blir igjen etter produksjon av øl, brukes også som dyrefôr. Begge har næringsegenskaper som gjør dem egnet som fôr. I denne oppgaven gir jeg ... -
BTH 25321 Bacheloroppgave - Prosjektledelse
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo er Norges største statlige utdanningsinstitusjon for kunstnere og designere. Høgskolen har hverken mange eller store interne prosjekter, men etter et møte i ledergruppen, januar 2017, ble det satt ... -
Budskapsvinkling i bloddonasjon og den modererende effekten av altruisme
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg tematikken bloddonasjon og hvordan en skal utforme kampanjer og reklamer for effektivt å rekruttere frivillige bloddonore. I denne sammenhengen tar vi for oss budskapsvinkling med negativ ... -
Build it and they will come: Analysis of an online deliberation initiative
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Public and private investments are increasingly being directed towards the development of ICTs for the construction of more inclusive and connected communities. Labelled as Collective Awareness Platforms (CAPs) under the ... -
Build it and They will Come: Analysis of an Online Deliberation Initiative
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Public and private investments are increasingly being directed towards the development of ICTs for the construction of more inclusive and connected communities. Labelled as Collective Awareness Platforms (CAPs) under the ... -
Building brand resonance with chatbots: assessing the importance of giving your bot a human personality
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper aims at defining the effect that different types of personality given to chatbots may have on the brand resonance in consumer’s mind. In the current context of quick development of conversational marketing ... -
– Building Green Trust Through Advertising – How can companies build green trust through advertising in a world of greenwashing chaos? The moderating role of green involvement and green skepticism.
(Master thesis, 2022)The trend of companies implementing green marketing to differentiate their brands by turning towards environmental sustainability is increasing (Chen & Chang, 2012). However, not all green marketing claims accurately ... -
Building Information Modeling in the Norwegian Construction Industry: A Comparison of Different Contractual Models
(Master thesis, 2019)The adoption of building information modeling (BIM) among construction firms, can contribute to resolving many of the issues inherent in today's construction industry. However, despite a proliferation in BIM adoption ... -
Building Information Modelling in the Production Process: A Holistic Case Study of Routine Changes in the Norwegian Construction Industry
(Master thesis, 2018)In response to the lack of research on, and the calls to advance researchers’ understanding of, the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) at the construction site, this thesis aims to identify how the ... -
Bullying of students who receive special education services for learning and behaviour difficulties in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Recent research in economic geography has introduced two notions that historical studies should explore: regional resilience and related variety. Regional resilience refers to a region’s ability to recover from external ... -
A Bumper!? An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between the Economy and the Environment
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2009)This thesis is concerned with the relationship between the economy and the environment. The relationship is often portrayed as a conflict in public discourse, as if what is good for the economy is bad for the environment ... -
Buried in debt? An analysis of the heterogeneous effects of public debt overhang on growth
(Master thesis, 2021)Both theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that excessive government indebtedness has adverse effects on economic stability. The Great Recession left many countries with the legacy of sluggish economic growth and ... -
“Burning the bridges”: escalation in the pursuit of authenticity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We develop a process-based framework, articulating the escalation of difference between “private” self and “public” display as an alternative trajectory in the pursuit of authenticity to alignment and compromise. A ... -
Burnout and its four dimensions: The influences of stress mindset
(Master thesis, 2022)Even though burnout has been a hot topic of research for decades, little is known about how the construct is influenced by an individual's view of stress. In this thesis, we will attempt to further the collective knowledge ... -
Business and State Balancing International Development Agendas – The Case of Norwegian CSR
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This study looks into the interplay between governments and transnational corporations (TNCs) regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR), and it investigates the potentials to link CSR to the international development ... -
Business continuity and resilience management: A conceptual framework
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The overall objective of business continuity management (BCM) systems is toprovide guidance and analytical subcomponents on how to assess and manage riskand sustain operations when facing a disruptive event. Current BCM ... -
Business Cycle and Health Dynamics during the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Scandinavian Perspective
(CAMP Working Paper Series;15/2023, Working paper, 2023-12-21)We use a unique daily economic activity measure and manually audited nonpharmaceutical intervention indexes for Norway and Sweden to model the dynamic interaction between COVID-19, policy, health, and business cycles within ... -
Business cycle narratives
(CAMP Working Paper Series;6, Working paper, 2018-04)This article quantifies the epidemiology of media narratives relevant to business cycles in the US, Japan, and Europe (euro area). We do so by first constructing daily business cycle indexes computed on the basis of the ...