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The choice of normal-theory weight matrix when computing robust standard errors in confirmatory factor analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Robust standard errors are of central importance in confirmatory factor models. In calculating these statistics a central ingredient is the inverse of the asymptotic covariance matrix of second-order moments calculated ... -
The choice of product indicators in latent variable interaction models: post hoc analyses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The unconstrained product indicator (PI) approach is a simple and popular approach for modeling nonlinear effects among latent variables. This approach leaves the practitioner to choose the PIs to be included in the model, ... -
The Co-evolution in the Norwegian EV Market
(Master thesis, 2019)Norway has a comprehensive EV incentive program that has shaped the growth in the Norwegian EV market. Co-evolutionary outcomes, such as aggregated volume, modern EV technology and innovation can bring great success, but ... -
The Commission’s internal conditions for social re-regulation: Market efficiency and wider social goals in setting the rules of financial services in Europe
(CEAS Reports;4/2011, Working paper, 2011)With its scarce budgetary resources and institutional logics favouring market-based problemsolving, the European Union (EU) has been considered a prime example of the regulatory state. When and how can we expect the ... -
The compassionate organization: contesting the rhetoric of goodwill in public sector value statements
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Purpose – This paper tests whether organisations in the public domain have embraced a corporate type of discourse, mirroring the private sector’s preferred orientation towards expertise, or whether they maintain their ... -
The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration – Throwing New Light on The Nordic Model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In one of the most influential contributions to modern political economy, Hall and Soskice have launched a distinction between ‘liberal’ and ‘coordinated’ market economies, placing the Nordic countries firmly in the latter ... -
The Conditioning Function of Rating Mechanisms for Consumers in the Sharing Economy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how rating mechanisms encourage emotional labor norms among sharing economy consumers. Design/methodology/approach This study follows a mixed-methods research design. ... -
The Configuration and Role of the M & A Function in Serial Acquirers
(Master thesis, 2016)While currently experiencing an all-time high acquisition wave, the acquisition literature is still ambiguous regarding acquisition outcomes and performance. Recently, serial acquirers and their acquisition capabilities ... -
The constitution and effects of country images: Theory and measurement of a central target construct in international public relations and public diplomacy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The article introduces a model for analyzing the constitution and effects of country images. The model combines well-established concepts from national identity theory and attitude theory with a model from reputation ... -
The contraction effect: How proportional representation affects mobilization and turnout
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A substantial body of research examines whether increasing the proportionality of an electoral system increases turnout, mostly based on cross-national comparisons. In this study, we offer two main contributions to the ... -
The Contraction Effect: How Proportional Representation Affects Mobilization and Turnout
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A substantial body of research examines whether increasing the proportionality of an electoral system increases turnout, mostly based on cross-national comparisons. In this study, we offer two main contributions to the ... -
The contrary forces of innovation: a conceptual model for studying networked innovation processes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In this paper, we argue that industrial innovation processes can productively be analyzed as consisting of two sub-processes that over time create and mobilize contrary forces within both internal and external interactions ... -
The copula information criteria
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We derive two types of Akaike information criterion (AIC)-like model-selection formulae for the semiparametric pseudo-maximum likelihood procedure. We first adapt the arguments leading to the original AIC formula, related ... -
The cost of raising equity for firms listed on Oslo stock exchange
(Master thesis, 2014-02-12)This thesis examines the direct cost of raising equity for firms listed on Oslo stock exchange in the period 2006-2011. US research indicates a cost of raising equity about 4-5% of the total amount issued. According to our ... -
The creative industries in Norway: 2008-2014
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The article presents findings from a new mapping of the creative industries in Norway 2008–2014. It reviews previous mappings of the creative industries and discusses questions related to construction of the creative ... -
The dark side of engagement : a study of the curvilinear relationship between work engagement and burnout, and the moderating impact of the motivational climate
(Master thesis, 2013-02-12)This study explores the curvilinear relationship between work engagement and burnout. In addition the study examines whether the perceived psychological motivational climate has an impact on this relationship. The results ... -
The Dark Side of High-Fliers: The Dark Triad, High-Flier Traits, Engagement, and Subjective Success
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between bright-side, High Potential and dark-side Dark Triad traits, as well as work engagement on judgements of perceived success. In all, 290 working adults completed ... -
The Dark Side of Influencer Marketing
(Master thesis, 2019)Influencer marketing has over time evolved into a trend within marketing, and more businesses uses it as a tool as they consider this to be an accurate and effective way of doing marketing. As this new trend of marketing ... -
The dark side of leadership development: An exploration of the possible downsides of leadership development
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In principle, leadership development may have positive effects, negative effects, or no effects at all. The present study aims to explore the potential negative effects of leadership development. We approach this issue ... -
The Dark Side of Online Participation: Exploring Non-, Passive and Negative Participation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Studies on the “second-level digital divide” explore the socio-economic antecedents and effects of (a lack of) user participation on the Internet. At the same time, some have criticized a normatively affirmative bias in ...