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Produktutviklingsprosjekt - ett steg om gangen
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan produktutviklingsprosjekter foregår. Vi har valgt å benytte oss av en kvalitativ metode gjennom individuelle dybdeintervjuer og observasjoner hos den norske møbelprodusenten ”Hjelle AS”. ... -
PRODUSENTERS UTVIDELSE TIL BÆREKRAFTIGE KATEGORIER : Betydningen av merkearkitektur : En studie om forbrukeres evaluering av nye plantebaserte produkter
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Et økende fokus på klima og miljø har satt bærekraftig utvikling på agendaen. Det grønne skiftet får naturligvis konsekvenser for forbrukermarkedet også, der mange stiller krav til bærekraft og miljø når de handler. ... -
Produserer Alta kommune kandidater til sykehjemsplasser?
(Master thesis, 2023)«Med måten vi i dag driver korttidsplassene på, så produserer vi flere sykehjemspasienter enn nødvendig» (sitat fra et av dybdeintervjuene vi gjennomførte) Er det virkelig slik at Alta kommune «produserer» sykehjemspasienter ... -
Professional vs. Personal-Oriented Self-Disclosure on LinkedIn: The Impact of Gender and Occupation on Recruiters’ Recommendation for Interview
(Master thesis, 2018)Social networking sites (SNSs) have become established arenas for many forms of social interaction. Recruitment and selection of job candidates using SNSs is a current trend that we are yet to understand the potential ... -
Professionals, purpose-seekers, and passers-through: How microworkers reconcile alienation and platform commitment through identity work
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Digital microwork consists of remote and highly decontextualized labor that is increasingly governed by algorithms. The anonymity and granularity of such work is likely to cause alienation among workers. To date we know ... -
Profitten setter tonen, og investeringene danser deretter: En nyvurdering av bankkrisen i 1920-årene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Tidligere var den konvensjonelle visdommen blant norske historikere at bankkrisen på 1920-tallet ble forårsaket av Norges Banks paripolitikk, det vil si bestrebelsene på å føre den norske kronen tilbake til førkrigstidens ... -
Project Control Mechanisms in Non-Project-Based Organizations in Asia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Projects play a key role in implementing strategy. Organizations of all kinds implement projects. As the importance of the projects grow, their monitoring and controlling becomes crucial for strategy achievement. However, ... -
Project Lineage Management and Project Portfolio Success
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Project portfolio approaches consider various concurrent project interdependencies but typically neglect longitudinal interdependencies. These are important for exploratory projects, which create strategic options. If these ... -
Project management in a public transformation change process
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the applicability of project management as a tool and framework for managing a public transformation change process. The studied case concerns a large public merger project ... -
Project managers adjust their leadership: to workspace and project type
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the triadic relationship between project workspace (i.e. spatial context), project type and project manager’s leadership style. It develops the concept of leadership construct ... -
Project Portfolio Management Information Systems’ Positive Influence on Performance – The Importance of Process Maturity.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Companies increasingly support their project portfolio management processes with specific software, and the market for IT solutions is growing. While project portfolio management information systems (PPMIS) promise to ... -
Project studies: What it is, where it is going, International Journal of Project Management.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Project organising is a growing field of scholarly inquiry and management practice. In recent years, two important developments have influenced this field: (1) the study and practice of projects have extended their level ... -
Project-oriented agency and regeneration in socio-technical transition: Insights from the case of numerical weather prediction (1978-2015)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper analyzes the unfolding of socio-technical transition (STT) using the multi-level perspective (MLP) framework. It relies on an in-depth case study of the “quiet revolution” of numerical weather prediction. The ... -
Projects and Institutions: Towards Understanding their Mutual Constitution and Dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Institutions are long-term and stabilizing mechanisms of social interaction that provide much of the groundwork for projects as temporary systems. Due to amassed change ambitions in contemporary projects, not least reflected ... -
Projects and institutions: towards understanding their mutual constitution and dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Institutions are long-term and stabilizing mechanisms of social interaction that provide much of the groundwork for projects as temporary systems. Due to amassed change ambitions in contemporary projects, not least reflected ... -
Promoting Data Richness in Consumer Research: How to Develop and Evaluate Articles with Multiple Data Sources
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)As stated in the mission of the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) (2022) and a recent editorial (Schmitt et al. 2022), JCR is a multi-disciplinary journal where consumer research provides insights about consumers and ... -
Promoting the Quality of Teacher-Toddler Interactions: A Randomized Controlled Trial of “Thrive by Three” In-Service Professional Development in 187 Norwegian Toddler Classrooms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The effectiveness of the Thrive by Three intervention, a 10-month, multicomponent, in-service professional development model to promote the quality of caregiver-toddler interactions (i.e., process quality), was tested ... -
Proper scoring rules for evaluating asymmetry in density forecasting
(CAMP Working Paper Series;06/2020, Working paper, 2020-09-01)This paper proposes a novel asymmetric continuous probabilistic score (ACPS) for evaluating and comparing density forecasts. It extends the proposed score and defines a weighted version, which emphasizes regions of interest, ... -
Proper Scoring Rules for Evaluating Density Forecasts with Asymmetric Loss Functions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article proposes a novel asymmetric continuous probabilistic score (ACPS) for evaluating and comparing density forecasts. It generalizes the proposed score and defines a weighted version, which emphasizes regions of ...