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RIV-B modellen : resultatprognoser og normalisering
(Master thesis, 2013-02-11)Vi har studert verdsettelsesmodellen residualinntekts verdsettelse (RIV). Hensikten med oppgaven er klargjøre om RIV-B modellen kan gi et mer riktig og pålitelig anslag på verdien av olje-/gass og shipping selskaper. ... -
RIV-B og RIV-E: bedre verdsettelsesmodeller
(Journal article, 2011)RIV er en forkortelse for ResidualInntektsbasert Verdsettelsesmodell. RIV har i de siste 10-15 årene fått stor anerkjennelse i akademia. Den verdsettelsesmodellen som imidlertid er mest kjent og anvendt i dag blant praktikere ... -
Road to unity? Nordic economic convergence in the long run
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study examines Nordic economic convergence from the sixteenth to twentieth century respective of the economic leaders, in effect the UK before 1914 and USA thereafter. The paper uses a novel approach of combining the ... -
Robert Mundells forskning i internasjonal makroøkonomi: De profesjonelle og amatørene. Noen refleksjoner omkring "Populister og originale økonomer"
(CME Working paper series;6/1999, Working paper, 1999) -
Roboter som hater/favoriserer kvinner
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne oppgaven tar for seg tematikken rundt bruken av kunstig intelligens i rekrutteringsprosessen, samt publikums reaksjoner ved bruken av kunstig intelligens. Det har blitt utført et eksperiment med 122 respondenter. ... -
Robots and Transparency: The Multiple Dimensions of Transparency in the Context of Robot Technologies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Transparency is often seen as a means to provide accountability and show that something is done with due diligence. This approach to transparency regards it as a remedy to hidden (potentially malevolent) practices. We, ... -
Robust meaningmaking – paving the way towards a system understanding
(Master thesis, 2022)Given the context of a multi-actor innovation project, this case study aims to study the experience of the representative actors involved to answer our research question. The aim of the thesis was to identify how a ... -
Robust tactical qualification decisions in flexible manufacturing systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In some flexible manufacturing systems, such as semiconductor manufacturing systems, machines must be qualified, i.e. certified and eligible, to process a product. This paper investigates a tactical capacity planning problem ... -
Rockheim : prosjektkultur
(Bachelor thesis, 2010-01-25)Med forankring i teori og gjennom observasjon og intervjuer skal vi med objektiv innfallsvinkel, tolke og beskrive prosjektkulturen i Rockheim. Problemstillingen vår er: ”Hvordan er kulturen i prosjektorganisasjonen ... -
Role conflict and turnover intention among middle managers: Testing emotional exhaustion as mediator and perceived support as moderator
(Master thesis, 2020)This study investigates the relationship of role conflict among middle managers on emotional exhaustion and turnover intention and how perceived support moderates this relationship. A sample of 115 was received, through ... -
The role of artificial intelligence in internal audit procedures
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the relationship between the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the success of internal control over financial reporting for US-listed companies. Based on the existing theory, we see AI as an ... -
The Role of Culture in How Women Perceive Their Barriers to Leadership Advancement
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the barriers to leadership confronting modern-day women through a cross-cultural lens and, as such, enhance the understanding of women’s most common barriers as well as provide ... -
The role of ESG in M&A takeover auctions
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper investigates the impact of ESG factors in takeover auctions. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset of bidding contests, it is revealed that ESG plays a crucial role in determining transaction value, can be associated ... -
Role of Gender in White-Collar Crime: An Examination of the Emancipation and Focal Concerns Hypotheses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose This paper aims to understand the involvement of women in white-collar crime (WCC) also referred to as pink-collar crimes. WCC is present around the globe and has created a word for itself. Design/methodology ... -
The Role of Human Resource Management in Creating Sustainable Organizations
(Master thesis, 2021)Sustainability is a thoroughly discussed topic in research. The UN define sustainability based on three pillars: environment, finance and society (Bansal & Des Jardine, 2014; Ehnert et al, 2016). So far, most organizations ... -
The Role of Information Asymmetry in Private Placements - Evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis examines private placements on the Oslo Stock Ex- change. We study the issuing rm's announcement statements, post-issue rm performance, and the market reaction to disclose the role of asymmetric information ... -
The Role of Intermediaries in Evolving Distribution Contexts: A Study of Car Distribution
(Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2009)This study contributes to the understanding of the role of intermediaries in contemporary distribution systems. These systems are characterised by an increased variety stemming both from changes in customer demand patterns, ... -
(Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of the thesis was to investigate which formative and relational life events that may be particularly important for career decisions. To understand career choices, the thesis used a life story approach and ... -
The role of MNE subsidiaries in the practice of global business models in transforming economies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study provides new insights into the role of subsidiary managers in the practice of global business models of multinational enterprises in transforming economies. Drawing on the global business model literature and ... -
The role of MNE subsidiaries in the practice of global business models in transforming economies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study provides new insights into the role of subsidiary managers in the practice of global business models of multinational enterprises in transforming economies. Drawing on the global business model literature and ...