Browsing BI Open by Title
Now showing items 4661-4680 of 6610
Price discrimination in the FX market and the prediction of corporate markups
(Master thesis, 2021)This paper explores price discrimination in the foreign exchange market and the explanation of corporate markups by studying currency trades of Scandinavian corporations. The study takes advantage of unique data, including ... -
Price Dispersion and the Role of Stores
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this paper, we study price dispersion in the Norwegian retail market for 766 products across 4,297 stores over 60 months. Price dispersion for homogeneous products is significant and persistent, with a coefficient of ... -
Price dispersion and the stability of trade*
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Research on trade relationships has documented a high rate of relationship breakup and churning. We use data on Norwegian exports to document two stylized facts about the stability of trade relationships. First, the ... -
Price dispersion and the stability of trade*
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research on trade relationships has documented a high rate of relationship breakup and churning.We use data on Norwegian exports to document two stylized facts about the stability of traderelationships. First, the probability ... -
Price Movements and Trading Volume Around Ex-Dividend Day in a Market with a High Degree of Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper investigates the presence of an ex-dividend price anomaly in a market heavily influenced by foreign investors, the Oslo Stock Exchange, post the implementation of the 2006 tax reform that equalized taxes on ... -
The Price of Controversy: Risk and Return of U.S. Sin Corporate Bonds
(Master thesis, 2024)We examined the financial performance of U.S. corporate bonds issued by industries often considered “sinful,” including alcohol, tobacco, and gaming, from July 2002 to September 2022. The study aimed to determine whether ... -
The price of cost-effectiveness thresholds under therapeutic competition in pharmaceutical markets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Health systems around world are increasingly adopting cost-effectiveness (CE) analysis to inform decisions about access and reimbursement. We study how CE thresholds imposed by a health plan for granting reimbursement ... -
The Price of Time: Evaluating Trade-Offs between Remuneration and Flexibility
(Master thesis, 2023)The sudden shift to remote work may have psychological implications on employees' work engagement and well-being. Many organizations are uncertain of whether to keep traditional offices, transitioning to remote work, or ... -
The Price of Virtuous Mergers and Acquisitions
(Master thesis, 2023)By using ESG scores from three different data providers (Bloomberg, Refinitiv and Sustainalytics) this thesis aims to investigate their respective impacts on deal premia in M&A activities. The sample construction is based ... -
The Price Responsiveness of Shale Producers: Evidence From Micro Data
(CAMP Working Paper Series;05/2021, Working paper, 2021-09-11)Shale oil producers respond positively and significantly to favourable oil price signals. This finding is established using a novel proprietary data set consisting of more than 200,000 shale wells across ten U.S. states ... -
Price space and product demography: Evidence from the workstation industry, 1980–1996
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study adds to the product innovation literature by emphasizing the important yet understudied role of price distribution in shaping product demography (i.e. new product introductions and exits). While prior research ... -
Pricing American Put Options and Determining Optimal Exercise Strategy
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines three numerical methods for pricing American put options: the Least-Squares Monte Carlo method (LSM), the Binomial method (BM), and the Implicit Finite Difference method (FDM). Our study focuses on ... -
Pricing American-Style Options by Monte Carlo Simulation
(Master thesis, 2018)We replicate (in some parts) and extend Tompaidis and Yang’s (2014) analysis by comparing the performance of Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS) Regression to Tikhonov Regularization and Classification & Regression Trees (CART), ... -
Pricing efficiency across destination markets for Norwegian salmon exports
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates how pricing efficiency of Norwegian salmon exports varies across destination market characteristics. Efficiency is defined as the rate at which individual transaction prices adjust to common market ... -
Pricing innovation: The anchoring effect in patent valuation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Prior literature has long recognized the substantial economic value that patents hold in the market. Yet, we know much less about the valuation process, i.e., how market audiences estimate (or determine) the value of newly ... -
Pricing of carbon emission allowances An assessment of the pricing relationships and the adequacy of EU ETS as a climate policy tool
(Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of this study is to shed light on the pricing mechanisms within the EU Emissions Trading System and evaluate the link between the prices of emission allowances and the prices of fundamental drivers of greenhouse ... -
The Priest, the Sex Worker, and the CEO: Measuring Motivation by Job Type
(Others, 2020)This study uses latent semantic analysis (LSA) to explore how prevalent measures of motivation are interpreted across very diverse job types. Building on the Semantic Theory of Survey Response (STSR), we calculate “semantic ... -
The Primary Issuance of Norwegian High-Yield Corporate Bonds During Financial Turmoil Spotlight on the COVID-19 Crisis
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, we study different factors that might have caused the massive increase in the primary issuance of Norwegian high-yield corporate bonds during the most recent financial turmoil, the COVID-19 crisis during ... -
Priming the weak negotiator to feel powerful in an integrative asymmetric batna negotiation
(Master thesis, 2017)Power asymmetries are present in most negotiations, and power influences economic outcomes in negotiations. The most common way to manipulate power asymmetries in negotiation experiments is through BATNA, Best Alternative ... -
PRINCE2 by accident?
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I oppgaven viser vi til temaet prosjektstyring. Hensikten med oppgaven er å få en grunnleggende forståelse og oversikt over hvordan Hans Helseth AS styrer sine prosjekt. Vi har samarbeidet tett med Byggmester Hans Helseth ...