Browsing BI Open by Title
Now showing items 4312-4331 of 6596
OPEC's crude game: The supply curve in a dynamic, strategic environment
(CAMP Working Paper Series;10/2019, Working paper, 2019-11)The market behavior nationalized oil companies in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is starkly time-varying. I rationalize OPEC's behavior in an infinitely repeated game of Cournot competition with ... -
OPECs Market Power: An Empirical Dominant Firm Model for the Oil Market
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)We estimate a dominant firm-competitive fringe model for the crude oil market using quarterly data on oil prices for the 1986–2016 period. The estimated structural parameters have the expected signs and are significant. ... -
OPEC’s Crude Game: Strategic Competition and Regime-switching in Global Oil Markets
(CAMP Working Paper Series;01/2021, Working paper, 2021-01-25)We develop a model of oligopolistic competition under imperfect monitoring and dynamic observable demand. Efficient symmetric equilibria feature disciplined cooperative regimes interrupted by rare but severe price wars. ... -
Open-Office Noise and Information Processing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose: We draw on arousal-based models to develop and test a model of open-office noise and information processing. Specifically, we examined whether open-office noise changes how people process information and whether ... -
Opening AI: A study of transparency’s impact on brand authenticity and trust in visual advertising
(Master thesis, 2024)AI technology's rapid growth and integration across various sectors signal a transformative era in technological adoption, with AI proving increasingly valuable. This study aims to investigate the impact of disclosing ... -
Opening the barn doors: Effects of Farm Animal Welfare Disclosure on Perceived Transparency
(Master thesis, 2022)One of the most topical issues of agriculture today is farm animal welfare (FAW). Agricultural corporations struggle to get through the minefield of transparent corporate communication and are regularly subjected to public ... -
Opening the black box of integration capability : a study of capability development processes among Norwegian serial acquirers
(Master thesis, 2017)This paper presents an analysis of how serial acquirers develop dynamic integration capabilities. In this thesis, we applied an inductive approach, analyzing a total of 10 transcribed interviews of Norwegian serial ... -
Opening the black box of international strategy formation: How Harvard Business School became a multinational enterprise
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article addresses the question of why some business schools internationalize by establishing units abroad. We study their internationalization by examining the process that led to Harvard Business School’s first ... -
Openness to Experience, Fluid Intelligence and Secondary Psychopathology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The present study tests the idea that individuals high on both trait Openness-to-Experience and fluid intelligence can suffer from an overactive mental state that depletes cognitive capability and leads to restless and ... -
Openness to Experience, Fluid Intelligence and Secondary Psychopathology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The present study tests the idea that individuals high on both trait Openness-to-Experience and fluid intelligence can suffer from an overactive mental state that depletes cognitive capability and leads to restless and ... -
Operasjonell risikostyring i Norges Bank
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne prosjektoppgaven har vi undersøkt i hvilken grad den operasjonelle risikostyringen i Norges Bank er i tråd med komponentene og prinsippene i rammeverket The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway ... -
Operating performance following mergers and acquisitions
(Master thesis, 2023)We investigate the long-term operating performance of corporate mergers and acquisitions of 133 acquiring companies in Norway from year 2000 to 2020. We employ three different methods and four different measures of operating ... -
Operational research virtues in the face of climate change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper argues that the virtue of righteousness sustained by raw emotions can explain the apparent deadlock of the climate change debate, and proposes virtues that are more conducive to consequential action. The ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-09-11)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg temaet opinionslederskap, og hvordan opinionsledere utøver innflytelse på kjøpsatferden til unge voksne i alderen 18-25 år. Målet med oppgaven er å søke å forklare hvilke mekanismer som ... -
Oppdal så klart?
(Bachelor thesis, 2010-02-04)Vi har i denne oppgaven jobbet med branding, og gjennomføringen av en brandingprosess på destinasjonsnivå. Vi valgte å skrive om Oppdal, en helårsdestinasjon i Sør-Trøndelag som har ”Oppdal så klart” med Oppdalsola i ... -
Oppdrag Sirkel
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne oppgaven er en bacheloroppgave i kampanjeplanlegging ved Handelshøyskolen BI Bergen. Oppdragsgiveren for denne kampanjen er Fretex Norge AS, som er Norges største secondhand-kjede samt arbeids- og inkluderingsbedrift ... -
Oppfølging av tiltak etter revisjoner, finnes det suksesskriterier?
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker internrevisjonens rolle i å oppnå effektiv oppfølging av tiltak etter revisjoner. Temaet vekker interesse, ettersom det ikke foreligger forskning på dette området. Vi har utført litteraturgjennomgang, ... -
Oppgave- og dokumentasjonsplikten i skatteforvaltningsloven § 8-11 - med spesielt fokus på hvordan riktig internpris og godt regelverk kan forhindre at det norske skattefundamentet tappes til fordel for andre land med strengere regler og sanksjoner
(Master thesis, 2022)Økt verdenshandel og en stigende grad av konsernorganisering har gjort at internprisingsspørsmål er blitt ett av de viktigste temaene innen internasjonal skatterett. Særskilte dokumentasjonsregler for konserninterne ... -
Oppgjør av eiendomshandel hvor pantedokument er bortkommet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012) -
Opphavsrett som filmpolitisk virkemiddel
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)