Now showing items 3601-3620 of 6512

    • lmmaterielle eiendeler og prisingsmetoder 

      Uran, Natalia (Master thesis, 2022)
      Immaterielle eiendeler handler om at det finnes verdier i en bedrift utenom de konkrete fysiske eiendelene. I internprissammenheng oppstår problemene særlig i forbindelse med organisering av virksomheter på tvers av ...
    • lmproving the EU SFDR Paris-Aligned Benchmark for Net-Zero portfolio construction 

      Cappelen, Benedicte Wright; Griffejoen, Christiaan Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)
      In this paper, we show that without the analysis of firm-specific emission reduction behaviour, asset managers run the risk of long-term underperformance due to exposure to climate-related risk. We do this by applying and ...
    • lnnehar terminkurven prediktive egenskaper 

      Aril, Paul Sunny (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I september 2019, poster nyhetsbyrået Vox denne korte videosnutten på YouTube. Her omtaler de fenomenet «inverted yield curve», på norsk; en fallende terminkurve. Terminkurven er betegnelsen på rentenes terminkurve basert ...
    • lnternprising og tollverdi 

      Hval, Helene (Master thesis, 2022)
      Hvordan henger internprising og tollverdi sammen? Er regelverk, guider og guidelines fra henholdsvis Verdens Tollorganisasjon WCO og OECD samkjørte, og hvordan skal myndighetene klare å avgjøre om en varepris satt ...
    • Local Candidates and Voter Mobilization: Evidence from Historical Two-Round Elections in Norway 

      Fiva, Jon H.; Smith, Daniel M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      What effect do candidates with local ties have on voter turnout and party support? A considerable challenge within the existing literature on the personal vote, including that part which derives from local ties, is ...
    • Local candidates and voter mobilization: Evidence from historical two-round elections in Norway 

      Fiva, Jon H.; Smith, Daniel M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      What effect do candidates with local ties have on voter turnout and party support? A considerable challenge within the existing literature on the personal vote, including that part which derives from local ties, is ...
    • Local civil-mindedness on the internet as the basis for fundraising segmentation: sociological, marketing determinants and the empirical analysis 

      Alfirevic, Niksa; Pavicic, Jurica; Dorotic, Matilda; Pavlovic, Danijela Krizman (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new practice, i.e. tool for online fundraising in nonprofit organizations, based on the assessment of Internet-induced local civic mindedness (INLCM) as a segmentation approach. ...
    • Local economic development and oil discoveries 

      Hamang, Jonas Hveding (CAMP Working Paper Series;03/2022, Working paper, 2022-09-15)
      In this paper I use data on the location of all historic petroleum discoveries onshore to establish a new stylized fact: Economically developed areas are significantly more likely (about five percentage points) to contain ...
    • Local Economic Structures and their Impact on MPs Engagement in Environmental Debates: A Case Study of Rogaland 

      Ghezai, Nuod Yoseph; Johannson, Karl Edvard (Master thesis, 2023)
      This study examines whether Members of Parliament (MPs) from Rogaland, Norway, are influenced by the local economic structure in their home constituency during parliamentary debates on environmental issues. By analysing ...
    • Local favoritism in at-large proportional representation systems 

      Fiva, Jon H.; Halse, Askill Harkjerr (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Pork barrel spending is typically attributed to the strategic behavior of political elites hoping to be electorally rewarded by voters residing in their districts. Such behavior is expected to depend on the incentives ...
    • Local favoritism in at-large proportional representation systems 

      Fiva, Jon H.; Halse, Askill H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Pork barrel spending is typically attributed to the strategic behavior of political elites hoping to be electorally rewarded by voters residing in their districts. Such behavior is expected to depend on the incentives ...
    • Local government efficiency in German municipalities 

      Geys, Benny; Heinemann, Friedrich; Kalb, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article evaluates German local governments’ cost efficiency using a sample of 1021 municipalities in the state of Baden-Württemberg for the year 2001. We thereby concentrate on overall or ‘global’ efficiency scores – ...
    • Local Institutional Design in the Shadow of the Market 

      Leiren, Merethe Dotterud (CEAS Reports;2/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      This paper was presented at the Workshop “The Future of the Regulatory State: Adaptation, Transformation, or Demise?” in Oslo, 16 September 2011.
    • Local Natural Resource Curse? 

      Borge, Lars-Erik; Parmer, Pernille; Torvik, Ragnar (CAMP Working Paper Series;5/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      The large variation in revenues among Norwegian local governments can partly be explained by revenues collected from hydropower production. This revenue variation, combined with good data availability, can be used to ...
    • Local Representation and Voter Mobilization in Closed-list Proportional Representation Systems 

      Fiva, Jon H.; Halse, Askill Harkjerr; Smith, Daniel Markham (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We investigate whether geographic representation affects local voting behavior in closed-list proportional representation (PR) systems, where conventional theoretical wisdom suggests a limited role of localism in voter ...
    • Localisation of Logistics Preparedness in International Humanitarian Organisations 

      Jahre, Marianne; Frennesson, Lina; Kembro, Joakim; de Vries, Harwin; Van Wassenhove, Luk N. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Purpose To meet the rising global needs, the humanitarian community has signed off on making a strategic change toward more localisation, which commonly refers to the empowerment of national and local actors in humanitarian ...
    • Locally robust inference for non-Gaussian linear simultaneous equations models 

      Lee, Adam; Mesters, Geert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      All parameters in linear simultaneous equations models can be identified (up to permutation and sign) if the underlying structural shocks are independent and at most one of them is Gaussian. Unfortunately, existing inference ...
    • Locally Robust Inference for Non-Gaussian SVAR models 

      Lee, Adam; Mesters, Geert; Hoesch, Lukas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      All parameters in structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) models are locally identified when the structural shocks are independent and follow non‐Gaussian distributions. Unfortunately, standard inference methods that exploit ...
    • Lofflandstandarden - tid for endring eller fremdeles den gylne standard? 

      Garfjeld, Martin Karlsen (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne prosjektoppgaven ønsker jeg å gå igjennom hva opplysningsplikten etter skatteforvaltningsloven § 8-1 innebærer og nærmere bestemt hva det betyr å være en aktsom og lojal skattepliktig. Dette omtales ofte som ...
    • Logg av mobilen for å logge på livet 

      Ronæs, Nina; Lervik-Olsen, Line (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Feilbruk av internett kan føre til økt stress, redusert velvære og at vi logger av i økende grad. Dette får store konsekvenser for norske bedrifter. Hva skal de gjøre nå? Vise ansvar og oppfordre til å logge av? Etablere ...