Now showing items 27-46 of 6591

    • A Fund Analysis of Sustainable Investing in the Norwegian Market 

      Sagelvmo, Thea Marie; Coughlan, Sahra Brandal (Master thesis, 2019)
      This thesis analyzes risk – adjusted returns for a sample of sustainable and conventional funds in the Norwegian market during a nine-year period (January 2011 to December 2018). It contributes with further research on ...
    • A good reputation: a protection against shareholder activism? 

      Hoffman, Christian; Brønn, Peggy Simcic; Fieseler, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      When shareholders become dissatisfied with a public company’s policies or actions, they may resort to activist interventions. Shareholder activism has been described as an attempt to resolve agency conflicts by directly ...
    • A History of Possible Futures: Multipath Forecasting of Social breakdown, Recovery and Resilience 

      Turchin, Peter; Witoszek, Nina; Thurner, Stefan; Garcia, David; Griffin, Roger; Hoyer, Daniel; Midttun, Atle; Bennett, James; Næss, Knut Myrum; Gavrilets, Sergey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Recent years have seen major political crises throughout the world, and foreign policy analysts nearly universally expect to see rising tensions within (and between) countries in the next 5–20 years. Being able to predict ...
    • A Kantian approach to sustainable development indicators for climate change 

      Greaker, Mads; Stoknes, Per Espen; Alfsen, Knut H.; Ericson, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Agenda 21 required countries to develop and regularly update a national set of indicators for sustainable development. Several countries now have such sets also including separate indicators for climate change. Some of ...
    • A Lagrangian heuristic for minimising risk using multiple heterogeneous metrology tools 

      Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane; Hassoun, Michael; Sendon, Alejandro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Motivated by the high investment and operational metrology cost, and subsequently the limited metrology capacity, in modern semiconductor manufacturing facilities, we model and solve the problem of optimally assigning the ...
    • A large sample study on the influence of the multisensory environment on the wine drinking experience 

      Spence, Charles; Velasco, Carlos; Knöferle, Klemens (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Background: Researchers have demonstrated that a variety of visual factors, such as the colour and balance of the elements on a plate, can influence a diner’s perception of, and response to, food. Here, we report on a ...
    • A liberal actor in a realist world? The commission and the external dimension of the single market for energy 

      Goldthau, Andreas; Sitter, Nick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This article investigates the Commission’s external energy policy through the lens of the regulatory state. It argues that because of the nature of its institutions, policy tools and resources, the Commission remains a ...
    • A Merton Approach to Predicting Defaults Amongst Public Firms in Norway 

      Vestbekken, Jens Kristian; Engebretsen, Bendik (Master thesis, 2016)
      The primary objective of this thesis is to investigate how well Merton’s corporate debt model performs in predicting defaults amongst public firms in Norway. The study concludes that the model performs adequately in ...
    • A method to evaluate the rank condition for CCE estimators 

      De Vos, Ignace; Everaert, Gerdie; Sarafidis, Vasilis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We develop a binary classifier to evaluate whether the rank condition (RC) is satisfied or not for the Common Correlated Effects (CCE) estimator. The RC postulates that the number of unobserved factors, m, is not larger ...
    • A methodology for mapping meanings in text-based sustainability communication 

      Brown, Mark (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      In moving society towards more sustainable forms of consumption and production, social learning must play an important role. Making the assumption that it occurs as a consequence of changes in understanding, this article ...
    • A mid-range theory of monitoring behaviors, shared task mental models, and team performance within dynamic settings 

      Kwei-Narh, Prosper Ameh (Series of Dissertations;11/2016, Doctoral thesis, 2016-11-04)
      This dissertation is an enterprise in building a mid-range theory of teamwork within emergency settings wherein I attempt to explain some contrasting findings in the literature. I focus on a limited number of variables in ...
    • A never ending story: interaction patterns and economic development 

      Håkansson, Håkan; Waluszewski, Alexandra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Industrial marketing and purchasing is an interesting phenomenon. On the surface it appears as very mundane, a simple day-to-day activity performed by purchasers, sales personnel, and technical specialists; i.e. most often ...
    • A new approach to psychological measures in leadership research 

      Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune; Martinsen, Øyvind Lund; Bong, Chih How (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Is survey data a source of new information, or could surveys just be begging their questions? The authors of this opinion piece suspect that survey data in leadership research do not reflect attitudes to workplace phenomena. ...
    • A New Coefficient of Interrater Agreement: The Challenge of Highly Unequal Category Proportions 

      van Oest, Rutger Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We derive a general structure that encompasses important coefficients of interrater agreement such as the S-coefficient, Cohen’s kappa, Scott’s pi, Fleiss’ kappa, Krippendorff’s alpha, and Gwet’s AC1. We show that these ...
    • A new decision making model based on Rank Centrality for GDM with fuzzy preference relations 

      Yazidi, Anis; Ivanovska, Magdalena; Zennaro, Fabio Massimo; Lind, Pedro; Viedma, Enrique Herrera (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Preference aggregation in Group Decision Making (GDM) is a substantial problem that has received a lot of research attention. Decision problems involving fuzzy preference relations constitute an important class within GDM. ...
    • A New Economic Framework: A DSGE Model with Cryptocurrency 

      Asimakopoulos, Stylianos; Lorusso, Marco; Ravazzolo, Francesco (CAMP Working Paper Series;07/2019, Working paper, 2019-10-12)
      This paper develops a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model to evaluate the economic repercussions of cryptocurrency. We assume that cryptocurrency offers an alternative currency option to government currency ...
    • A new look at Euroscepticism: How Stable Are the Cleavages? 

      Sitter, Nick (CEAS Reports;1/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      This paper is a transcript of the lecture at The ARENA annual conference 2009: A new look at Euroscepticism, Oslo, 11 December 2009.
    • A New Monthly Indicator of Global Real Economic Activity 

      Ravazzolo, Francesco; Vespignani, Joaquin L. (CAMP Working Papers Series;2/2015, Working paper, 2015)
      In modelling macroeconomic time series, often a monthly indicator of global real economic activity is used. We propose a new indicator, named World steel production, and compare it to other existing indicators, precisely ...

      Foldnes, Njål; Grønneberg, Steffen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Previous influential simulation studies investigate the effect of underlying non-normality in ordinal data using the Vale–Maurelli (VM) simulation method. We show that discretized data stemming from the VM method with a ...
    • A qualitative investigation of student engagement in a flipped classroom 

      Steen-Utheim, Anna Therese; Foldnes, Njål (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The flipped classroom is gaining acceptance in higher education as an alternative to more traditional methods of teaching. In the current study, twelve students in a Norwegian higher education institution were in-depth ...