Browsing BI Open by Title
Now showing items 2069-2088 of 6512
Follow the Leader? Leader Succession and Staff Attitudes in Public Sector Organizations.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Public sector organizations face regular turnover in top leadership positions. Yet little is known about how such changes affect staff attitudes. The authors argue that top leader succession may influence staff attitudes, ... -
Follower jealousy at work: A test of Vecchio’s model of antecedents and consequences of jealousy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The present study tests the validity of Robert P. Vecchio's seminal work on antecedents and consequences of jealousy. Specifically, we examine whether antecedents such as in-group status, supervisory considerateness, and ... -
Food imperfection and customer perception: can additional humorous labelling on imperfect fruit affect customers' perception?
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this thesis is to analyze in depth a matter that has been of great interest in the last 10 years: food waste. After various studies (Elder & Krishna, 2011; Loebnitz & Grunert, 2014;) that have established that ... -
Food risk communication to consumers: The scare of antibiotic resistant bacteria in chicken
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In 2014 a food scare following a report on antibiotic resistant bacteria in chicken fillets led to a dramatic drop in sales of chicken. Actors in the food chain as well as the authorities were unprepared for the consequences ... -
Food safety related efficacy beliefs, behaviors, beliefs in myths, and the effects of educational online interventions: Data from an online survey experiment with 1,973 consumers from Norway and the UK.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Data were collected in a randomized controlled trial of a game-based online intervention aimed at fostering awareness of food safety and risk-reducing behavior among consumers. 1,973 participants from the UK and Norway, ... -
Food scares: Reflections and reactions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The aim of this study is to investigate consumers’ reflections and reactions to a food scare news story. Previous studies indicate that risk communication not always is able to influence people’s behavior and that pre-existing ... -
Football on television: how has coverage of the Cup Finals in Norway changed from 1961-1995?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The aim of this study is two-fold: first, to investigate how the production practices of the TV coverage of the Norwegian Men’s Football Cup Final rely on journalism, drama and entertainment and, second, to analyse how the ... -
“For lite, for sent? : En studie av innregnede verdifall i goodwill på Oslo Børs i perioden 2009 til 2017
(Master thesis, 2018)Oppgaven gir en gjennomgang av det teoretiske bakteppet og eksisterende forskningslitteratur. Videre bruker oppgaven deskriptiv analyse og regresjon i et forsøk på å tegne et bilde av innregnede nedskrivninger i goodwill ... -
Forankring av bærekraftstrategi i organisasjoner
(Master thesis, 2022)Bærekraftig utvikling handler om å ivareta gode og trygge arbeidsplasser, uten å belaste klima og miljø. Dette er en snuoperasjon særlig for bedrifter som i dag har stor negativ påvirkning på klima og miljø, og krever en ... -
Forbrukeres holdning til lagring av personopplysninger på nett
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne bacheloroppgaven i markedsføringsledelse består av en innledning, teori, analyse, metode, diskusjon og konklusjon. Hovedfokuset i oppgaven har vært finne faktorer som bidrar til privatpersoners atferds- og ... -
Forbrukeres motivasjon til å følge merker på Instagram, og betydningen av selvbilde
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Bedrifter og merkevarers tilstedeværelse på sosiale medier blir stadig viktigere i dagens konkurransesituasjon. Instagram er i dag blant de mest populære sosiale mediene med svært mange aktive brukere. Plattformens ... -
Forbrukervaner ved skokjøp
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne bacheloroppgaven i markedsføringsledelse omhandler forbrukeres atferdsmønstre i henhold til skokjøp. Den følger IMTRoD strukturen og inneholder innledning, teori, metode, resultat og drøftelse. For å få et ... -
Forced ranking : friend or foe? : on forced ranking and its effect on intrinsic motivation, justice perceptions and performance
(Master thesis, 2012-04-26)This study explores the effects of forced ranking, conceptualized as a summative, norm‐referenced form of feedback, on performance. It was hypothesized that the lower ranked individuals would demonstrate less performance ... -
Fordeling av gjeldsrenter ved beregning av maksimalt kreditfradrag
(Master thesis, 2021)Reglene om kreditfradrag er en metode for å avverge internasjonal dobbeltbeskatning. Metoden som sådan er internasjonalt anerkjent, og normalt overlates det til det enkelte lands nasjonale lovgivere å gi mer detaljerte ... -
Fordrer det noe spesielt å lede en samfunnsansvarlig bedrift?: Autentisk ledelse og samfunnsansvar
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Denne artikkelen tar opp hva som kreves av en leder for å sikre atbedriften oppfattes som samfunnsansvarlig. Krever det noe spesielt av slike ledere, og er dette «lille ekstra» autentisk ledelse? Artikkelen sammenligner ... -
Forecasting and Hedging in the Ship Recycling Market
(Master thesis, 2021)This study examines the accuracy and hedge effectiveness of different static models to forecast and hedge ship demolition prices. Nine international forecasting variables and six futures contracts relevant in the ship ... -
Forecasting consumer confidence through semantic network analysis of online news
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This research studies the impact of online news on social and economic consumer perceptions through semantic network analysis. Using over 1.8 million online articles on Italian media covering four years, we calculate the ... -
Forecasting crude oil futures volatility
(Master thesis, 2013-02-18)This thesis examines the accuracy of different volatility models in forecasting the volatility of West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures returns. We examine the information content of implied volatility by embedding it ... -
Forecasting Cryptocurrencies Financial Time Series
(CAMP Working Paper Series;5, Working paper, 2018-03)This paper studies the predictability of cryptocurrencies time series. We compare several alternative univariate and multivariate models in point and density forecasting of four of the most capitalized series: Bitcoin, ... -
Forecasting cryptocurrencies under model and parameter instability
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper studies the predictability of cryptocurrency time series. We compare several alternative univariate and multivariate models for point and density forecasting of four of the most capitalized series: Bitcoin, ...