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Handelshøyskolen BI [6505]
  • Vertical Integration Strategies: The Norwegian Salmon Farming Industry 

    Teigen, Mirjam Nyhus; Mortvedt, Sander Jermstad (Master thesis, 2024)
    The adoption of vertical integration strategies among salmon farming enterprises can significantly influence competitive advantage in the Norwegian industry. Despite the widespread implementation of both fully- and partially ...
  • The Art of Investing: Fractional art ownership as a financial instrument 

    Johnsen, Andrine Helenesdotter; Dahl, Zoe Anna (Master thesis, 2024)
    This study examines returns on fractional art compared to traditional art and other assets, and the impact of holding periods on returns. Utilizing repeat-sales data from Masterworks, we calculated holding period returns ...

    Tidemann, Fredrik; Zhu, Richard (Master thesis, 2024)
    This thesis extends the financial fraud detection model from ”The Model of Fraud Detection in Financial Statements by Means of Financial Ratios” by Kanapickien˙e and Grundien˙e (2015) by integrating governance factors with ...
  • Pricing American Put Options and Determining Optimal Exercise Strategy 

    Kjellberg, Teodor K.; Udnesseter, Markus (Master thesis, 2024)
    This thesis examines three numerical methods for pricing American put options: the Least-Squares Monte Carlo method (LSM), the Binomial method (BM), and the Implicit Finite Difference method (FDM). Our study focuses on ...
  • Grunnrentebeskatning i havbruksnæringen 

    Sperre, Tor Arne Ulvestad; Strøm, Simen Myrvoll (Master thesis, 2024)
    Oppgaven tar for seg den økonomiske effekten av grunnrenteskatten på havbruk, og muligheten for rettslig prøving av vedtaket. Begrepet grunnrente viser til den ekstra inntekten næringsaktører tilegner seg, ved å utnytte ...

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