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dc.contributor.authorAnker, Christian
dc.contributor.authorHelle, Paul David Maxime Valseth
dc.descriptionMasteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Business, Strategy - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2022en_US
dc.description.abstractOur thesis focuses on the strategy phenomenon of accelerator programs and how they emerged to meet global demand for increased innovation and value creation. Our thesis explores the role accelerator programs play in catalyzing innovation in the energy sector. We seek to understand which network factors are vital in influencing the accelerator program network and subsequently enhancing innovation. Innovation studies continue to be central in solving humanity's many challenges. With an aim to do network development research, we base our analysis on the theoretical perspectives of Network Theory and the Ecological view. We perform a comprehensive literature review to enhance our understanding of the phenomenon and verify our research question through gap-spotting, then derive hypotheses and shape our descriptive quantitative research design. The data we use is a novel hand-built dataset utilizing secondary data on three distinct energy accelerator programs retrieved from the public database Pitchbook. The completed data set was analyzed through an association study and triangulation. We uncovered systematic relationships in our data, and our findings confirmed most of our hypotheses. Comparing our findings to the existing literature aided us in discovering similarities and gaps. Notably, we found that network factors derived from characteristics within the network, such as participant group features, hold a great influence on the accelerator program performance. Whereas startups and investors have been found to geographical cluster, our study finds that the use of accelerator programs increases startup-investor distance. We suggest implications for research and practice. Based on our limitations, we propose improvements to research design and areas worthy of future research. We conclude that our study has added value to the strategy field. Lastly, our findings are used to offer recommendations to energy accelerator programs.en_US
dc.publisherHandelshøyskolen BIen_US
dc.subjectstrategi strategyen_US
dc.titleGRA 19703 Master Thesisen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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