import xlwings as xw from xlwings import constants import pandas as pd import random import numpy as np from numpy.random import uniform from numpy.random import triangular from numpy.random import lognormal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from scipy import stats #### Connect and conf Excel book = xw.Book("C:\\Sim\VWsim.xlsx") DCF = book.sheets("DCF") SIM = book.sheets("Sim") ### Parameters num_sim = 30000 #Revenue - uniform distribution, manual mode rev_low = 0.01 rev_high = 0.07 #Operating margin - triangular distribution, 8,5% in Base case oper_low = 0.07 oper_mode = 0.085 oper_high = 0.10 #Capex reinvestments - triangular distribution, 10% in Base case capex_low = 0.09 capex_mode = 0.10 capex_high = 0.11 ### Sims def dcf_sim(num_sim, rev_high, rev_low, oper_low, oper_mode, oper_high, capex_low, capex_mode, capex_high): outcome = [] book.sheets("Sim").clear for i in range(num_sim): revenue=np.random.uniform(rev_low, rev_high) DCF.range("D25").value=revenue #Base scenario start modifier, exponential reduction towards 2030 target opmarg=np.random.triangular(oper_low, oper_mode, oper_high) DCF.range("D34").value=opmarg capex=np.random.triangular(capex_low, capex_mode, capex_high) DCF.range("D46").value=capex priceC=DCF.range("R104").value priceC=float(priceC) priceP=DCF.range("R105").value priceP=float(priceP) IR=DCF.range("R111").value IR=float(IR) ROIC=DCF.range("R112").value ROIC=float(ROIC) growth=DCF.range("R113").value growth=float(growth) outcome.append((revenue, opmarg, capex, priceC, priceP, IR, ROIC, growth)) df = pd.DataFrame(outcome, columns=["Revenue","Operating Margin","Capex","PriceC", "PriceP", "IR", "ROIC", "growth"]) return df #run sim func - CAREFUL! Running this will usually take some time. DCF.range("H3").value = "No" #Disable scenario, switch to manual mode. df = dcf_sim(num_sim, rev_low, rev_high, oper_low, oper_mode, oper_high, capex_low, capex_mode, capex_high) # Revert to default input assumption values DCF.range("D25").value = 0.08 #Revenue DCF.range("D34").value = 0.085 #Operating margin DCF.range("D46").value = 0.10 #Capex ### Copy dataframe to Excel SIM.range("A1").options(pd.DataFrame, index= False).value = df ### Plotting #Definitions rev = df["Revenue"] opmarg = df["Operating Margin"] capex = df["Capex"] stockpriceC = df["PriceC"] stockpriceP = df["PriceP"] IR = df["IR"] ROIC = df["ROIC"] growth = df["growth"] #plot style"seaborn") sns.set_theme(style="darkgrid") #Figure sim_fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,14)) plt.subplot(4,2,1) plt.hist(stockpriceC, bins = 100) plt.xlabel("€ Value per common share") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of common stockprice", fontsize = 14) plt.axvline(stockpriceC.mean(), label = "Average shareprice", color = "red") plt.legend() plt.subplot(4,2,3) plt.hist(stockpriceP, bins = 100) plt.xlabel("€ Value per preferred share") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of preferred stockprice", fontsize = 14) plt.axvline(stockpriceP.mean(), label = "Average shareprice", color = "red") plt.legend() # DCF plt.subplot(4,2,2) x = np.sort(df["PriceC"]) y = np.arange(1,len(x)+1)/len(x) plt.plot(x,y, marker = ".", linestyle = "none") plt.xlabel("€ Value per common share") plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability") plt.title("Cumulative distribution value per common share", fontsize = 13) plt.subplot(4,2,4) x = np.sort(df["PriceP"]) y = np.arange(1,len(x)+1)/len(x) plt.plot(x,y, marker = ".", linestyle = "none") plt.xlabel("€ Value per pref. share") plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability") plt.title("Cumulative distribution value per preferred share", fontsize = 13) #Revenue growth plt.subplot(4,2,5) plt.hist(rev, bins= 100, color = "green") plt.xlabel("Revenue growth") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Growth in revenue", fontsize = 14) #Operating margins plt.subplot(4,2,6) plt.hist(opmarg, bins= 100, color = "green") plt.xlabel("% Operating margin") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of operating margins", fontsize = 14) #Capex investments plt.subplot(4,2,7) plt.hist(opmarg, bins = 100, color = "green") plt.xlabel("Capex") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of Capex investments", fontsize = 14) # Spacing sim_fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.4, hspace = 0.7) # Copy to Excel rng = book.sheets["Sim"].range("J28"), name = "sim_fig", update = True, top =, left = rng.left) #Figure value drivers sim_figVAL = plt.figure(figsize=(12,18)) # ROIC plt.subplot(6,2,1) plt.hist(ROIC, bins = 100, color = "red") plt.xlabel("Company ROIC rate") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of ROIC", fontsize = 14) plt.axvline(ROIC.mean(), label = "Average ROIC", color = "blue") plt.legend() plt.subplot(6,2,2) x = np.sort(df["ROIC"]) y = np.arange(1,len(x)+1)/len(x) plt.plot(x,y, marker = ".", linestyle = "none", color = "red") plt.xlabel("% ROIC") plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability") plt.title("Cumulative distribution, ROIC", fontsize = 13) # Growth plt.subplot(6,2,3) plt.hist(growth, bins = 100, color = "orange") plt.xlabel("Company growth rate") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of company growth", fontsize = 14) plt.axvline(growth.mean(), label = "Average growth", color = "blue") plt.legend() plt.subplot(6,2,4) x = np.sort(df["growth"]) y = np.arange(1,len(x)+1)/len(x) plt.plot(x,y, marker = ".", linestyle = "none", color = "orange") plt.xlabel("% Growth") plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability") plt.title("Cumulative distribution, company growth", fontsize = 13) # Investment rate plt.subplot(6,2,5) plt.hist(IR, bins = 100, color = "teal") plt.xlabel("Company investment rate") plt.ylabel("Frequency") plt.title("Distribution of investment rate", fontsize = 14) plt.axvline(IR.mean(), label = "Avg. investment rate", color = "red") plt.legend() plt.subplot(6,2,6) x = np.sort(df["IR"]) y = np.arange(1,len(x)+1)/len(x) plt.plot(x,y, marker = ".", linestyle = "none", color = "teal") plt.xlabel("% Investment rate") plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability") plt.title("Cumulative distribution, IR", fontsize = 13) # Spacing sim_figVAL.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.4, hspace = 0.9) # Copy to Excel rng = book.sheets["Sim"].range("J88"), name = "sim_figVAL", update = True, top =, left = rng.left) # Statistics desc_stat = df.describe([0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90]) SIM.range("J2").value = desc_stat SIM.range("J2").value = "Descriptives" corr_stat = df.corr() SIM.range("J18").value = corr_stat SIM.range("J18").value = "Correlations" df.corr() ###Figure 2, scatters sim_fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) #Revenue vs. Stockprice plt.subplot(3,1,1) sns.regplot(x=rev, y=stockpriceC) plt.xlabel("Revenue") plt.ylabel("Stockprice") plt.title("Revenue vs. Common Stockprice", fontsize = 14) #Operating margins vs. Stockprice plt.subplot(3,1,2) sns.regplot(x=opmarg, y=stockpriceC) plt.xlabel("% Operating margins") plt.ylabel("Stockprice") plt.title("Operating margins vs. Common Stockprice", fontsize = 14) #Capex vs. Stockprice plt.subplot(3,1,3) sns.regplot(x=stockpriceC, y=capex) plt.xlabel("Stockprice") plt.ylabel("% Capex") plt.title("Capex vs. Common Stockprice", fontsize = 14) # Spacing sim_fig2.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.4, hspace = 0.7) # Copy to Excel rng = book.sheets["Sim"].range("T39"), name = "sim_fig2", update = True, top =, left = rng.left) ### Formatting cleanup #cell ranges output_range = SIM.range("A1").expand() #four first columns output_header_range = SIM.range("A1").expand("right") #headers A, B, C, D output_data_range = SIM.range("A2").expand() #data range stats_range = SIM.range("J2").expand() stats_name_range = SIM.range("J2").expand("down") stats_header_range = SIM.range("K2").expand("right") stats_data_range = SIM.range("K3").expand() corr_range = SIM.range("J18").expand() corr_name_range = SIM.range("J18").expand("down") corr_header_range = SIM.range("K18").expand("right") corr_data_range = SIM.range("K19").expand() morestats1_range = SIM.range("T2:U5") morestats1_header = SIM.range("T2:U2") morestats1_data_range = SIM.range("T3:U5") morestats2_range = SIM.range("T7:U10") morestats2_header = SIM.range("T7:U7") morestats2_data_range = SIM.range("T8:U10") morestats3_range = SIM.range("T12:U15") morestats3_header = SIM.range ("T12:U12") morestats3_data_range = SIM.range("T13:U15") #Fonts and size, adjustments header = [output_header_range, stats_header_range, stats_name_range, corr_name_range, corr_header_range, morestats1_header, morestats2_header, morestats3_header] for cells in header: cells.color = 180,198,231 cells.api.Font.Name = "Calibri" cells.api.Font.Bold = True cells.api.Font.Size = 11 cells.column_width = 15 SIM.range("S1").column_width = 2 # Colors output_data_range.color = (217,225,242) stats_data_range.color = (217,225,242) corr_data_range.color = (217,225,242) morestats1_data_range.color = (217,225,242) morestats2_data_range.color = (217,225,242) morestats3_data_range.color = (217,225,242) # Borders for border_id in range(7,13): output_range.api.Borders(border_id).Color = 0xFFFFFF output_range.api.Borders(border_id).Weight = 2 stats_range.api.Borders(border_id).Color = 0xFFFFFF stats_range.api.Borders(border_id).Weight = 2 corr_range.api.Borders(border_id).Color = 0xFFFFFF corr_range.api.Borders(border_id).Weight = 2 morestats1_range.api.Borders(border_id).Color = 0xFFFFFF morestats1_range.api.Borders(border_id).Weight = 2 morestats2_range.api.Borders(border_id).Color = 0xFFFFFF morestats2_range.api.Borders(border_id).Weight = 2 morestats3_range.api.Borders(border_id).Color = 0xFFFFFF morestats3_range.api.Borders(border_id).Weight = 2 # number formatting output_data_range.number_format = "0,00" stats_data_range.number_format = "0,00" corr_data_range.number_format = "0,0000" # Alignement corr_name_range.autofit() output_range.api.HorizontalAlignment = xw.constants.HAlign.xlHAlignCenter stats_range.api.HorizontalAlignment = xw.constants.HAlign.xlHAlignCenter ## More stats # Revenue vs. Price pearson_coef, p_value = stats.pearsonr(df['Revenue'], df['PriceC']) resRev_Price = stats.linregress(df['Revenue'], df['PriceC']) rval1 = (f"{resRev_Price.rvalue**2:.6f}") SIM.range("T2").value = ("Revenue vs. Price") SIM.range("T3").value = (f"R^2:",) SIM.range("U3").value = (rval1) SIM.range("T4").value = ("P-value:", p_value) SIM.range("T5").value = ("Pearson Corr(r):", pearson_coef) # Operating margin vs. Price pearson_coef, p_value = stats.pearsonr(df['Operating Margin'], df['PriceC']) resOpmarg_Price = stats.linregress(df['Operating Margin'], df['PriceC']) rval2 = (f"{resOpmarg_Price.rvalue**2:.6f}") SIM.range("T7").value = ("Op. margin vs. Price") SIM.range("T8").value = (f"R^2:") SIM.range("U8").value = (rval2) SIM.range("T9").value = ("P-value:", p_value) SIM.range("T10").value = ("Pearson Corr(r):", pearson_coef) # Capex vs. Price pearson_coef, p_value = stats.pearsonr(df['Capex'], df['PriceC']) resCapex_Price = stats.linregress(df['Capex'], df['PriceC']) rval3 = (f"{resCapex_Price.rvalue**2:.6f}") SIM.range("T12").value = ("Capex vs. Price") SIM.range("T13").value = (f"R^2:") SIM.range("U13").value = (rval3) SIM.range("T14").value = ("P-value:", p_value) SIM.range("T15").value = ("Pearson Corr(r):", pearson_coef) #heatmap sim_hmap = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4)) sns.heatmap(df.corr(), annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu") #Figure rng = book.sheets["Sim"].range("T18"), name = "sim_heatmap", update = True, top =, left = rng.left) ### Save and close"Tsims_completed") #app = #app.quit